I sit outside for 20-30 minutes during my lunchtime to drink my juice and get some air and I realized last night why I enjoy this little part of my day so much: it’s because I get a million strangers coming up to talk to me. Mostly it’s for directions or what train should they take to get to this or that place, but I’m like a magnet sitting on the planter in front of the building next to my office. I sit on my throne and sip my smoothie and wave to the passersby (i.e. co-workers stepping out to get their lunches) – greetings, hello, yes hi, lovely day, how are you? But I also get a bunch of odd characters too and this is what I get a kick out of. Like the guy who switches between selling roses on the corner and other days its designer jeans – he always chitchats with me, although I prefer to be left alone, I like to observe. I don’t want to be distracted by conversations – this is my peaceful time; I think or some days, I don’t think at all, and that’s the point. To empty out the mind for a rest before heading back upstairs. Across the street, one of the buildings has an old-fashioned glockenspiel-type clock with a little gnome/elf toymaker and when it "dings!" 2pm (when the gnome/elf starts to pound his little hammer against his workbench, its really very cute and I'll bet most people don't look up to even notice it), I know my time is up. I sit right above the subway stairs so I tend to get people throwing lines at me as they descend down to the train – yesterday’s was from a Will Ferrell lookalike who rushed to get to the stairs and then leaned over the railing at me – “Wow! That’s a perfect place to sit on such a perfect day – lucky you!” And I smiled and nodded…yes it is…then I sort of space out for awhile until I see this man in a three-piece suit (in his 50’s maybe?) waving at me frenetically – “Hey! HEY!” Amazing, amazing…” – excuse me I say? “Your eyes, your eyes are amazing, they are mesmerizing, just beautiful..” and I smile (I think I blushed too because that was nice of him – I don’t get compliments like that all the time) and I called back “thank you!” and he keeps walking but still has his head turned my way and smacks right into a crowd of people coming from the other direction: “you hypnotized me, those eyes, look at me, I am walking into people, I’m like a zombie now!’ and I giggle because he’s too much – laying it on a BIT thick…but still, he’s made me smile. He gets to the corner and looks back again and yells, “HYPNOTIZE ME! WOO! AWESOME!” and disappears from my sight…
See what I mean? Characters, with a capital C.
He could have been your sugar daddy! He was majorly flirting with you and you are not so far off from that being an ok age to date (although wouldn't be as fun in 20 years!)Seize the day girl!!!
Um...NO! He was not appealing in that way...but it still nice to get sweet compliments from a total stranger...