Okay, who out there knows all about Mercury going Retrograde? Whatever you may think about astrology, I do believe in this because without fail, it never fails to do what its supposed to do. It is a time of projects slowing down, plans get broken, things around your house won’t work properly or will break, signals and communications get crossed or misunderstood, things in general go AWRY and you may feel irritable and out of sorts because of it. So its how I’ve been feeling for the past two weeks. It is not supposed to be necessarily negative, but it’s a time to not plan things, but to just take it easy and not force events, to exercise caution, to not try new things. And if you are going to get into a car crash, you could say Mercury in Retrograde would be the time of year this would happen. Which is EXACTLY what happened to me on Saturday night. The day started out alright, I got my hair cut and highlighted (of course I had to wait an extra hour for the salon people to take me, despite my appointment – another Mercury in Retrograde effect) and then hurried home to dress and get pretty for my night out with Vu and Floating Head. Fine. It was a night of celebration because FH got a promotion at work and we wanted to say “cheers!” to her so cocktails were in order and we went to a trendy hotel lounge for the toasting. Fine. Four mojitos later and the bartender had taken a liking to us so we got two rounds of shots on the house – Patron, followed by a Lemon Drop. Fine. Needless to say, I was a bit tipsy at this point, but still feeling fine – not drunk (the first two mojitos were suspiciously underalcoholed and meant nothing to me) and it was after midnight and we were done. So a cab was hailed and we were off to FH’s apt first to drop the two of them off. A nighty-night to the girls and I’m on my way home. One block away, SMASH – a cabbie coming from the left ran the light and ran right into my cab. My head snapped forward and hit the window in front of me and it was all so fast, I don’t know what just happened. The other guy is getting out and yelling at me – “you saw you saw, it wasn’t my fault, he was going through the light, not me!” (but I think it was – my head was down, but I know my cab did stop at the sign and then went and I know those gypsy cabs speed like crazy so I blame him) and they call the cops and I make sure I’m ok before getting out and ask my driver “can I just pay you and go back to my friend’s apartment?” … so a bit out of it, I call FH, walk the block back to her place, and call another cab from there. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GET HOME AND GET TO MY OWN SWEET BED AND SLEEP and JUST MY LUCK – I get into an accident! FH wanted me to stay the night and make sure I was ok – which I was, I just have a small bruise on my eyebrow and chin where I must have smacked my head – but I just wanted to get home. Plus, now I was no longer tipsy, the adrenaline was buzzing and I was wide-awake and certain I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep for quite awhile – I’ve never been in a car accident before (although strangely enough, I swear I was in Daddy’s green Oldsmobile when I was a very little girl and we got hit on the right side on Valley View when I was a little girl, but I’ve been told I wasn’t in that accident) and so I was a little freaked out. And then of course I did the game in my head the next day of “what if the cabbie had been a little more through the intersection? The other cab would have smashed the middle of the car, where I was and that could have been worse for me”?
So that was my crazy Saturday night. Say what you want, but it has just reinforced my Mercury in Retrograde belief and when this period is over officially on July 11th, I will be breathing a sigh of relief! Until then – keep your hands and fingers inside and make sure that seatbelt is securely fastened!
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