Yes, I've had a celebrity sighting! And on the subway at that!!
This morning, on my way to work on the E train, when it stopped at 23rd/Ely, Czar Nicholas II got on...YES IT'S TRUE!!! Rumors of his untimely demise in the 1917 Russian Revolution aside, I guess he lives in Long Island City now. He looks just like this photo - he had on the naval cap, the same beard and a sort of dark blazer and seemed to be trying to appear like one of the Hipster Doofuses that live in Long Island City, Greenpoint, Williamsburg - I guess he's gone incognito, trying to "fit in".
Either that, or it was The Captain from The Captain and Tennille sans Tennille ... hmmm, now I'm not sure...

...and from Peaches and Herb...Herb!