Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yes, I've had a celebrity sighting! And on the subway at that!!

This morning, on my way to work on the E train, when it stopped at 23rd/Ely, Czar Nicholas II got on...YES IT'S TRUE!!! Rumors of his untimely demise in the 1917 Russian Revolution aside, I guess he lives in Long Island City now. He looks just like this photo - he had on the naval cap, the same beard and a sort of dark blazer and seemed to be trying to appear like one of the Hipster Doofuses that live in Long Island City, Greenpoint, Williamsburg - I guess he's gone incognito, trying to "fit in".

Either that, or it was The Captain from The Captain and Tennille sans Tennille ... hmmm, now I'm not sure...

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