I can attest to this - I cried over spilled milk on Wednesday. Chocolate soy milk, that is. I had gone to the market after work and decided to try chocolate soy milk as a treat and I thought it might taste good warmed up like hot cocoa. Fine.
So I get home, stick it in the fridge and I few hours later, I decided to taste it - turns out to be DEE-LISH-OUS. Yum. Stick it back in and shut the door. Minutes later, I pass by the kitchen again, getting ready for bed, I'm just exhausted from my hellish week, I can barely keep my eyes open but the chocolate soy milk is calling me and I decide to take a swig straight from the carton before brushing my teeth and calling it a night. I pick up the carton and start to shake it - since its soy milk, its gets kind of separated and chalky - and OF COURSE I didn't cap it tightly before.
Of course I didn't.
Rivulets, thick ribbons of chocolate soy milk stream out and all over my kitchen - the cabinets, the fridge, under the appliances, all over me, I standing in a puddle of it on the floor.
It's everywhere.
Did I already mention that I have no energy, that I feel half dead asleep,my back hurts, my neck hurts, my jaw aches from stress clenching? Now I have this mess to clean up and I just can't do it, I can't, I don't want to, I just want to go to bed. But I can't leave it there, or else I'll have roaches and bugs galore and then once it dries it will be all sticky and goddammit, why did I not check to make sure it was closed before I shook it, why am I so stupid, why don't I think before I act, oh why oh why oh why...
That's when all the frustration bubbled up and boiled over and I started to cry and what I really wanted to do was punch the wall and scream FUCK!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs and then snap my fingers or wiggle my nose a la Samantha and have the mess begone. Why have I never developed those powers?
And then I started laughing at myself because I was LITERALLY crying over spilled milk. It was so dumb, big deal, you doof, just wipe it up, jeez you big baby. I just thought it was hilarious. And then I got out a sponge, paper towels, and got to work.
Now that was fun - so let us see what other cliched sayings I can reenact in my daily life over the next week. Perhaps I CAN kill two birds with one stone? Get up at 5 AM to find an early bird actually eating the worm? Take up sewing so that I can discover that a stitch in time saves nine (I don't even know what that one means, does it really have anything to do with sewing)?
Ah, the joy of being me - you see how rapidly my emotions switched on me, coupled with my amazing ability to make mountains out of molehills, you'll begin to understand why I get tired so easily.
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