I'm all abuzz and all is a blur - a week ago I was on the other coast and in the blink of an eye, summer was over, I was back to work with a vengeance - everything seems to be coming at me at once, although I think I'm handling that well, for once - and I went from looking forward to having nothing to do but watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy YET again all weekend to being booked solid and feeling .... abuzz and ablur. Whew. Need to find my center, methinks. Had MUCH fun on Saturday, early Italian dinner - chicken parm, yummmmmm - and walking around the West Village and then to Virgin to play with toys and laugh yet again at the "Stuff on My Cat" books http://www.stuffonmycat.com/ before heading into Tropic Thunder.. RUN do not walk to see this movie if you are in dire need of The Laughter Remedy. I think I annoyed people around me because I laughed pretty much non-stop and if Robert Downey Jr. doesn't at least get nominated for an Oscar for his role as Kirk Lazarus, well then I'm boycotting the movies for one full year. But they never nominate comedy roles so looks like I'm not seeing any movies in 2009. OH WELL.
Sunday was brunch in Astoria and much giggling despite bad waitering and then I was off to run some errands, walk around (too much, my feet hurt even now) before finishing my book under a tree in Central Park.
Now its the workweek and I'm back where I started. Lets see how it all goes and how unharried I can prevent myself from getting. I'm hopeful, that's something, isn't it?
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