Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sore! Stiff! Feeling GOOD!

So...I decided to get back into the yoga game ... I was pretty good about going once a week (sometimes 2x if I was into being really really good girl) and then at some point in April, I fell off the Yoga Bandwagon - errr, Yoga Mat. And each week I would play the game of "this weekend, I shall go". But I did not. Until last night, I went after work to a 7:45pm class and to a Hatha I/II class no less! I was a little worried because having done very little activitywise other than walking, could I manage a little bit tougher class? Turns out I could - and I loved it. The teacher was fantastic and it was a peaceful way to end the day, I felt so good and smiley during and afterwards. I'm a little stiff in the legs and lower back today but that's all - it's a good soreness because it was well earned. So it shall be pencilled into the weekly schedule from now on.

A New York Snapshot for you: every so often, there is a little snippet of life that I witness and it makes me go "this is why people love NYC so much" and this is why there are so many films and novels featuring the characters and oddballs who live here (although they are everywhere not just here but for some reason, people seem to think they are native to NYC).

So sitting on the bench in the West Village park last Saturday, a gigantic-bellied older man sits down on a bench with a box of cupcakes from Magnolia, a cup of coffee and the NY Times crossword puzzle. A few minutes later, another man all in black who looks very much leftover from the 1960's Timothy Leary Acid Tests sits next to him on the bench and nudges Cupcake Man: "So, do you ever think about dying?" Cupcake Man is silent, cocks his head, and then replies, "Well you know...". As I left to meet my friends, they were still deep in conversation.

And thus, a great friendship was probably born.

The End.

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