Monday Morning Staff Meeting Notes for Nicole Incorporated:
1. The Mets are STILL in first place...and again I will state emphatically: FOR NOW. It's tight, people ... but that's part of the fun, isn't it?
2. Massive laundry was done - I'm a clean clothes person once more and no need to shun me from society. As Chuckie says, if you are clean, you are happy - and therefore it follows that you can only be happy if you are clean. And so it is.
3. Hair remains grey-streaked, but I'm thinking I like the Gandalf look...ha ha ha...oh come ON, it's not that bad...I could care less...but I'm going to get that remedied this week in any case.
4. Work stuff is hectic but progressing nicely - we have now moved on to our SIT phase (System Integration Testing) and the month of August will translate to chaotic hustle and bustle - but I kind of enjoy all this, so I'm not complaining. Plus, I'll be gone for 10 days and it will be nice to be missed :-)
5. I was very pleased with myself and life in general all weekend for various reasons only I can understand - it started on Thursday and has continued on into today...things are rockin' and rollin' as they should be...all in accordance with the prophecy...
6. And I'm totally focused on California next week and the peace...the ocean, the ocean...
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