Monday, July 14, 2008

Did you know....

that there is such a being as a Cake Fairy? Well there is!!! YAY!!! Cake just miraculously appeared on my desk...and at the most perfectly perfect time, I was craving something sweet - and alas, despite what the instructor said at my nutrition class on Saturday, um seaweed wasn't going to cut it...

Also, just had to update you that I've decided my new favorite Met is Mike Pelfrey - sorry David Wright, I still think you are pretty cute - but Mike has won me over with his super trooper performance lately - I always felt bad for him last year when he'd try so hard and get booed and you could tell it was hard for him, he wore his heart on his sleeve a bit so I'm super happy that he's doing so well and getting the accolades lately - like last night getting chanted out for a curtain call ... and he's so tall...isn't that enough reason right there, height? Check him out on the Mets Site if you need to know more...

And here's a great Mets fansite by the way for those who may be interested...
Brooklyn Met Fan

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