If you guessed by naming my post this, I just wanted an excuse to Google images of Fozzy, you'd be correct!!
But seriously folks, I'm here to tell you all about maca! Maca powder is actually a ground up root vegetable from Peru - it's related to the radish family - and it's jam-packed with vitamins and minerals and protein as well as being an adaptogen - which means its a trigger to your body to kick into high gear and start raising its defenses and start functioning at a really high level...basically, it makes you feel really good and is also terrific for you..it smells not so nice and tastes just so-so - I've either been adding a teaspoon of the stuff to some miso soup or to some herbal tea - and then I'm off like a rocket! It really does elevate your energy... so anyway, I'm just letting you in on the MACA MAGIC!!!!! One word of caution, DO NOT take it anywhere near your beddybyetime - I made the mistake of thinking it was like the supergreen drink I make and I had it with my dinner two nights in a row around 8pm and then couldn't fall asleep until 3am and couldn't figure out why until I did some research. Now I'll drink it no later than 5pm or so and even that I think is pushing it...
Click here for more info should you find yourself intrigued...