Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Third Day of Grumpiness

As Magpie says, it's like my very own Passover...I'm trying really really hard, people, to try and kick this irritation I feel, but IT'S NOT WORKING!!! I keep acting really bitchy towards certain people - not neccessarily uncalled for, mind you - who just refuse to listen to me or who are trying on purpose to turn me into the Incredible Hulk, because no one likes me when I'm angry..or when I turn green and hugely muscular and start grunting and throwing furniture around... it can happen... so you who are annoying me - you know who you are - YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!! STOP PISSING ME OFF!!!

Okay...on a better note, I made vegetarian split pea soup last night from scratch and it kicks ASS, it's so good...a bit too salty, but I omitted the potato which would have absorbed some of the salt so its been noted for next time...but the flavor is almost amazingly ham-like (let me explain: after Easter and the yearly Easter ham, Grandma Maxine used to use the bones and leftover ham carcass to make split pea soup - a lot of vegetarian recipes don't have that sweet and smoky ham flavor to it) so this being right after Easter and I seem to be buying split pea soup for lunch every day, I thought : I must make this a big dutch oven of pea soup was made and will be enjoyed for the rest of the week...

So other than watching all three Lord of the Rings movies again, nothing else exciting is going on...oooh! Except that The Omen is being remade (with Liev Schrieber!) and released on ... June 6, 2006 = 666!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! And Mia Farrow is playing the evil nanny....


  1. I think you should know that I was mentioned in your blog today!

  2. Yes, you were...but only because you came up with the idea of p-ASS-over...the period of time in which we celebrate all the ASS kickings we'd like to administer..sort of like Festivus, where you have the Airings of Griefs!
