Friday, April 7, 2006

Last night, Magpie and I went to see Rubin and the MDOD (which does not stand for what you and I thought it did - har har) at the Cutting Room ... a good time was had by both of us because we had The Giggle frequently throught the night (PISS OFF) most likely due to a too strong vodka tonic - alas not a Vodka Sonnet;-) and the boys performed very well (especially one of the guitarist/back up singers). I thought the songs were very pretty and the "smaller biceped" lead singer has a good singing voice, but I didn't get a sense of HIM because he did sound just like Sting - which is pretty pleasant and I like a lot of Police songs and some solo Sting. Now, I know how much he loves and admires Sting so I think this would be fine by him! I especially liked their Coldplay cover, they sounded fantabulous. In any case, we had fun and its cool to see them play and I will keep you all updated on any upcoming gigs, should they come up in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh - I forgot to mention: Lead Guitarist was HOT! (it's the Jewfro!)
