Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Song Obsession Announcement

I must be stopped...I keep listening to the same song over and over and over...this has gone on for two days straight...please someone help me...

Click on the following link to listen to Wire's "Outdoor Miner":

There is a longer version out there that I think I need... and apparently, I'm not the only one obsessively in love with it because there is an entire Wire tribute album devoted to this one song ...


  1. Wire are so awsome! Are. Were. Will be. "The Art of Stopping" is one of my top tunes, but there's soooo much awsomeness to choose from. Let's form a Wire cover band RIGHT NOW! Ohmigod! We can call ourselves "Three Girl Rhumba"!


  2. R U going to see Rubin & the MDOD this thursday? they are so cool esp. the guitar player...
