I'll have her know that I stayed until after 7pm to finish this!!
When I last wrote you all, I was possibly getting a cold and possibly resting and possibly meeting Floating Head and Magpie for brunch. To update you: I sort of got a cold, which I quickly got over - I want to believe this was due to my astragalus root taking and sleeping a lot... and therefore I felt well enough to meet M and F at East of 8th on Sunday in Chelsea and have a yummo brunch complete with mimosa...earlier in the morning, the owner of my apt came by with a real estate agent to take pictures for the sale of the place and she was gushing about my apt, how nice it was, how she loved how I decorated it and for a moment, I got a bit sad and felt bad that I have to leave it...but then the owner and I were talking about crazy Nazi man upstairs and turns out, he is not a Nazi. He is a Holocaust survivor (albeit an anti-Semitic one) and he is not well in the head - as Raul explained, it's like you see Vietnam Vets who still think they are back there, in the war, in the moment...and for a second, I felt bad for the man, but at the same time, that's just as scary to live under. I think it's terrible that he had to go through whatever it was that he went through, but when I hear him screaming at the top of his lungs "I'm going to get you, you fucking bastards, I see you, I hear you, I'm going to get you", now I know he's not upset at neighbors being noisy or something really happening. So anyway...
After brunch, I was off to Home Depot to meet up with ZA and the much smaller-biceped R.N. where we looked at red paint samples and then Zeus and I were off to see his new apt in the pre-moving in stages...and...I'm JEALOUS! It's a really beautiful space and needs hardly any work done to it and it's right up near Columbia, which got me a little nostalgic when we walked around looking for a place to eat dinner...there is the Rite Aid where Veronica and I bought the thing that we were embarassed to buy so we bought a box of Cheezits to cover it up at the register...there is Koronet, biggest slices of pizza ever for a $1.50, there is Cardomat, where we should have bought "too drunk to care!" but didn't, there is Tom's, with the not-on-the-menu most delicious Broadway shake...and we ended up eating at a restaurant that I remember going there when it first opened with Eve and her friend Ben visiting from Berkeley (who I thought was so cute) and his dad was a French professor at Columbia and so then we went to his apt on Riverside Drive and I thought it was so cool to be in a big-time professor's apt and in such a chi-chi Riverside drive address no less...and then Cindy and I used to go there as a treat after hard exams or papers but it was an Italian restaurant then and now it's Moroccan/Middle Eastern and now I'm sitting with Zeus and it's ten years later - how weird is that? And I see all the students walking past and think, that used to be me...next time I visit him, I think we need to go on the full Memory Lane...I can walk down College Walk, with the twinkle lights in the trees, visit Butler, which used to be my favorite spot to do work, I loved being in the stacks searching for books and it's such a fabulous old building, see if UFM is still there and whatever else I recognize...is Rosa the Cigarette Lady still on the corner? Eve and I used to run out in the middle of the night down to her magazine stand to buy Drum (because we thought we were cool, rolling our own), go to the Hungarian Pastry Shop with the cool paintings on the wall... so anyway, it felt kind of nice to be up there again and it made me smile. I wonder if Check-Cashing Kyle is still handing out lollypops? OOH and Mama and Papa Bear should take note: Zeus will be only a few blocks from Absolute Bagels - the best bagels in the entire universe... so you better be nice to him, he can hook you up with some nice egg bagels if you are sweet :-D
My latest issue is carpal tunnel, which is why I didn't blog at all last week...I had to get my desk rearranged "ergonomically" and a joystick mouse had to be special ordered and now I have wear a glove when at work and sleep in a special splint to keep my wrist and arm straight until it heals...that and take 800 - 1000 mg of Aleve and rub Ben Gay or Tiger Balm as well as ice it nightly...it's healing already though, I can feel a difference, so I'm okay with it...last week I was a little freaked out, because once you've got serious carpal tunnel, you can't get rid of it and it seriously hurt last week...but like I said, better now! The doctor gave me stretches and exercises to do too to strengthen my wrist and hands as well.
And hurray for Vox! Because we had a Conspiracy Corner Reunion at Blockheads on Thursday and it was nice to see him again and know that he is doing well without us! And hurray for Floating Head because of her big news that she shared with us and she deserves to be happy and the new "venture" will bring nothing but good things I'm sure...Saturday, I saw them all again for V for Vendetta, which I LOVED except for Natalie Portman's terrible British accent, but that was nothing really, it's an excellent film, very relevant to the times we are living in and the state of the country and world right now...time to blow up Parliament? MAYBE. The Guy Fawkes masks have been placed on order... then we had off to a dinner of Moo Shu Fantasia and a Deep Recharger tonic at Zen Palate (which I had such bad luck with in the past, but the last two times I've gone there, it's been really good) and then Magpie and I went to buy cd's and I (still in Memory Lane mode) bought all 80's - 2 Depeche Modes and the first two Madonna cd's. Lovely!!
Now, I was supposed to take a day off tomorrow but it's not happening so I'm going home to try and get to bed early and get my head back on straight after a very crazy and frustrating day at work... nothing seems to be flowing well yet.
Later Gators!
What an awesome stroll down memory lane! I felt like I was there!...sigh...yummy--egg bagels from Columbia Bagels...the Rite Aid purchase--LOL!! ...it's always good to get a blast from the past!
ReplyDeleteThe much smaller bi-ceped RN - so true! so very true!
ReplyDelete- ZeusApollo
Hello ZeusApollo - Charlie says he will give you his second-born child if you can hook him up with 2 dozen egg bagels from Absolute...har har har...