Friday, December 16, 2005

No Strike...YET

I woke up this morning to good news...I could go back to sleep for another 2 hours! I had to wake up at 6 because if the transit strike was on, I had to meet someone for carpooling at 7am... this was a big pain for me because normally, I don't get up until 8-8:15... and since this is my last day before going home for Xmas, I didn't want to have to be bothered by all the pains of NO SUBWAYS! So hopefully this will be resolved, I don't wish a transit strike on anyone...basically, CEO's and executives need to not be so greedy and union workers have to realize that they can't get ALL of their demands met, just because they have the ability to strike and perform poorly on the job to try and get their way..there has to be some middle ground, and BOTH sides need to find it.

On a happier note, last night was the annual ZeusApollo/FrodoPurpleFairy Christmas Gift Exchange Extravaganza....and it was Le Cool...Zeus met me in my neighborhood after work where we had Argentinian food and sangria and I got a super cool cookie making set with 3 different kinds of expensive vanillas and a super sweet card as well... then we bought cookie dough, went back to my apt. and made cookies and watched the last part of Lord of the Rings The Return of the King. and looked at the cool Johnny Cash book I gave him...I, of course, acted out the part of superwiener by wearing the crown I bought at the Renaissance faire throughout...does someone aspire to be Galadrial? Hmmm? ... hee hee...and that was that... all in all it was yet another lovely Christmas celebration and yet another example of the lovely boy that is all should be so lucky to know such a person!
Tomorrow, I'm off to Las Vegas to see the family and I'm sooooo happy to you all when I get there!

ooh and one exciting note: I bought myself an iPod Nano!! now that is LE COOL!

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