Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Four Days and Counting...

Until I'm out of here!!! Woo HOO!!! I get into Las Vegas on Saturday afteroon, the Overoye Gang will get there on Tuesday I believe (Snow White, is this correct?) and then it will be one Full House...all we need is an Uncle Jesse and the stage will be set... so what else is happening you ask? Well, Friday, Floating Head, Magpie and I ate Thai food, had ginger mint martinis, and discussed the List. The List is Floating Head's invention and she has to be commended because this year, there were 12 things on her list and she accomplished 9 of them. WOW! That's why she's my hero, but she has inspired the rest of us to begin a List. The List can be anything you want, but its basically stuff that you want to do, have always wanted to do, but have not. Times-a-wasting, the years are passing you by and what do YOU have to show for it? That's what I say to myself all the time. And it's not necesarily resolutions, because those can be scary and you resolve to do certain things and then you stop for whatever reason and then you feel bad about yourself and this just drags you down further. No, the List is more about fun stuff, but stuff that can enhance your life. For instance, Floating Head wanted to go white water rafting this year, because it's something she's never done but always wanted to do. So, you know what she did? She found out where to do that around here (Pennsylvania), got a group together and did a one-day trip. List Item Accomplished! Or another item on her list is to visit a different foreign country each year. But, enough about her - what's on my list? Well, that's what I'm going to think about when I'm home...because it's all about how you make your life. I watched all 3 Lord of the Rings movies on Sunday night (which caused me to stay up until 3 a.m., the nutcase that I am so that I was dead tired yesterday) and even Gandalf knows this to be true - when Frodo says, "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had ever happened," and Gandalf replied, "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time we are given." Ah, the wisdom of the Lord of the Rings, they are really and truly my most favorite books and movies of all time, I can read those books over and over and see the movies over and over and I still get all excited at the end when the Witch King says, "You fool, no man can kill me" and Eowyn rips off her helmet: "I am no man" and stabs him ... and I still get teary when Frodo finally tosses Gollum over the edge and the Ring is gone and Aragon and Gandalf both get this look in their eyes because they know it has been done so there is relief, but it's immediately followed by sadness because they also realize that most likely, Frodo is dead...But I love the books so much because in college, I took a course called The Enchanted Imagination and we spent about 2 months studying the Lord of the Rings and was just an inspiring class with one the best, coolest, most creative and understanding (he let me turn in my papers when I wanted and usually gave me undeserving A's on them) professors (John Pagano) I've ever had and I just hold these books and that class very dear to my heart.

Someone out there is going to read this and think "W.A.W"!

1 comment:

  1. Your destiny as lord of the weiners calls to you again...
