Poor Little Bloggie...
A sad, little, forgotten thing, is this blog..well not forgotten, I've been thinking of you fondly and wistfully...I've just been a combination of too tired, too stressed, and not really feeling like dealing with much of anything to chitchat and write stuff here...my birthday was wonderful, lots of good surprises and fun times...and that was sort of the last excitement that I had to write about... I've been a little down and out lately...I think because I've been so overwhelmed with work stuff, that it's gotten to me... because I know this year I've put me and myself and my REAL life to the side when it comes to work issues - if asked to stay late, I'll stay late. And it's mainly because I do enjoy a lot of this process, I'm learning a lot, I know this will help me in whatever future jobs I may have, it's really something of substance to have on a resume, something that before, I felt I was lacking...plus I think it's given me a lot of confidence in a way - I've been put through a lot of hard tasks and pressure-cooker moments and I've done pretty well at handling them if I do say so myself...all positive things, so please don't think I'm being a martyr, oh poor me, I have to work so hard!...it's always I choice I make and I don't typically feel like the people in charge here have taken advantage of me...but there needs to be some balance...I feel as though things are going by me in a blur and I'm not really appreciating what's happening...I get up, come here, get stressed, and go home so exhausted, I don't feel like doing anything and then I go to sleep only to wake up and do it all over again...and that's not a life. And I'm 32, I shouldn't be so exhausted at 32. (does anyone think I sound like Demi Moore in St. Elmo's Fire "I never thought I'd be so tired at 22"?)So, things need to change around here, that's all I'm getting at... Maybe they should start with me getting a cat... what do you all think? Here is a picture of Coco, also known as Professor Dumbledore, also known as Franz Ferdinand...
That's about all I have to say...oh and I got an office which is nice, it's nice to be able to listen to music louder than in a cubicle, I have privacy, I have a window, so I can see what the weather is instead of heading home only to step outside and realize it's snowing out...and I just don't feel as cramped I guess...a little more focused in here? I don't know... but I was also sad to leave Team Consipiracy Corner, my fellow lefties Vox and Magpie....but now we can hold Secret Meetings in here and have no fear our plots are being overheard and in danger of being foiled again... and I'm pleased Harriet Miers has "withdrawn" herself from consideration, the joke that her nomination was, the joke that this whole admininstration is...it pleases me to no end to see that maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel and God willing, Karl Rove will be indicted, Dick "the Dick" Cheney will be connected to the CIA leak, and maybe some holes will be poked in this phony, absurd group of so-called leaders...maybe... that would cheer me up... and it's getting chilly outside, so that means autumn is really here, my second favorite season, followed by winter, my all-time favorite season...so I can bundle up as I love to do in scarves and coats and gloves and be happy/chilly all at once... and soon it will snow, and then I'll be all smiles. Right?
I think you should get the cat....
ReplyDeleteOMG: That is one of my top 10 favorite movie lines of all time! Genius!
ReplyDeleteYou should definitely get a cat! I usually hate them, but I've grown fond of Anastasia, my roommate's cat...