Tuesday, October 4, 2005

A birthday, a scary movie, and a festival

Just a few notes about the weekend...it was Frinee's birthday so I met her at Cabana on 61st and 3rd on Friday for some good seafood and mojitos...however, I will not be going back there, because the service was so awful and the host kept on telling the waiter and bus boys to ask us if we were done, even though we were still eating...very rude! So they've lost my business, which is fine, because in terms of Spanish food, there are better places out there...and it's too pricey, too small, and WAY too loud..and not really authentic anyway..Saturday I met Megan for a scary movie, the Exorcism of Emily Rose, which was actually very good - I like spooky movies; I do not like gore though...this was just the right amount of freakyspooky and the fact that it's based on a true story was enough to have me sleep on my couch that night, lights and TV on...and then I decided that I don't think I can watch scary movies anymore - I think about them too much afterwards and then the bad images stick in my head and I have nightmares. Don't even discuss the Ring with me...that movie stayed in my head for a LONG time...Then on Sunday, I met Lucia at the Cloisters for a medieval festival, which was kind of like a mini-Renaissance festival and really so cool...anyone who knows me knows how much I love all that fairy-magic wands-jousting-potions-knights and damsels kind of stuff, so you can imagine how happy I was...I just wish we could have gone earlier and spent more time there since we got there at 3 and it was over at 6...

I spy a princess...ah it's just Lucia!

Merlin at work....

EEK!! there's a bat flying around my kitchen...just something I picked up at the faire...

Lucia bought me the lovely "earwrap" at the faire...an early birthday gift!!

Farewell Lady Lucia!... hee hee...Megan, do you recognize where we are?

View of the George Washington Bridge from the street...right near where Megan used to live...

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