Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blah blah blahgpost, have you any joy?

No sir, no sir
Three weeks ill!
One week sick to my tummy,
One week cold and fever,
And one whole week full of coughs and chill
Oh November, to me you are so crummy!

Well, this is my Mother Goosey attempt to describe me and my life lately ... I haven't had the energy or motivation to post here but in all fairness, it's nothing too interesting. I work, I go home and make soup, read some, and crawl to bed. On the weekends, I simply omit the "going to work" piece. WAH WAH! I'm being childish, a big baby, but I NEED A BREAK from this. I want my mommy ... this simply won't do. I mean really, I have been sick since November 1st with a little bit of a turnaround last week and now, I'm right back at the beginning and then some. So November 2008? You suck eggs. I've barely left the house, except to go to work and to get soup. I need some fun but I can't summon the energy to have fun. BLAH. And it's all really good right now, so I am trying my ass off to enjoy things - like for instance, it's nice and cold just the way it should be in the Northeast in November and each day, I swear it may snow and we all know how much that makes me smile. It would help (in fact, as I typed this, I looked out my window with hope - but the skies are just gray, not angel-flakey). But, at the very least, I get to bundle cutely and drink hot things - like spiced cider and tea and coffees - and feel warm and fuzzy and cozy all the time.

So Question: What's a girl to do? Answer: take better care of self and try her little heart out to finish the year with a BANG! not a whimper.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Brave New World?

Eh, no, not that - no soma for us any longer... so then how about Brand New World?... I have to say - at the risk of sounding corny - watching Obama's acceptance speech on Tuesday was very moving and the possibly the first time that I have:

1. Been inpressed by a politician giving a speech

2. Actually believed that he was genuine and heartfelt about what he was saying

3. Actually believed that this person - along with some good help and good cabinet people and such around him - might actually make a change for the BETTER in this world. And it's been so long since I've felt that about this country and our politicians. While watching elections in other years, I so wanted to believe what they were saying and yet...a little twinge inside said "YOU BIG FAT LIARS"!!

I'm relieved beyond words that this man was elected - and hope more and more ugly things bubble up to the surface about that Chickadoodle Sarah Palin so that she has no choice but to crawl back into the hole that the Republicans found her in. Bye bye you snarky bitch!! Be gone forevermore. We have no need of your kind here.

So that's all...I'm a little down for the count so this is really just a half-hearted post - since my Linda Blair episode last weekend, I've quickly progressed into a full blown chest and head cold so I'm just going to take care of myself this weekend and rest and read and drink ginger tea with lemon and honey all the livelong day.. and maybe...just maybe...go to Ikea? If I can muster the strength to shop...oh but I am my mother's child, surely I can find it in me to GET TO A SALE!!! I must dig deep down, but the Joycean Genes shall prevail, I'm quite certain...they have such cute Christmasy items there, like these little knubby things:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Día de los Muertos!!

Yes, this past Saturday was the Day of the Dead - turned out, I was ONE OF THE DEAD. Or maybe more like undead ... I didn't feel well on Friday night so I went to bed somewhat early, thinking I had to get up by 6am anyway to meet The Cousins at Penn Station for our Philly trip. I was rudely woken up at 3am or so by The DEMON VIRUS!!! I was temporarily possessed by the spirit of Regan in The Exorcist and continued to throw up precisely every 20 minutes, complete with projectile split pea soup, head-swiveling, and crab-walking down a staircase. No priests were harmed in this incident, thank goodness. My neighbors were just a little worried at the sight of me though. The only pain was inflicted upon myself and my esophagus - I couldn't keep a thing down and I was dying of thirst - but even a sip of water would come right back up. I can't remember the last time I was sick like that. So I had to cancel on my scary Philly trip, but it was for the best, I wouldn't have lasted. I didn't feel right again, truly myself, until today and even now I'm shaky at best. But I can eat again. So that's something. I need my strength, because tonight is the night we find out if Frodo has made it, after 8 LONG YEARS through Mordor to the top of Mount Doom and has been able to throw the ring at last into the fire and save Middle Earth.

I suspect the Bush-Cheney regime has met its end - if those darn pundits are to be believed - and the coup d'etat executed in 2000 is finished and we can move on from here and get our dignity back. I hope it has ... but I'll tell you this - I went to bed in 2000 thinking all was right with the world and Al was our president. I woke up to find the votes had been stolen. And then in 04 it came down mysteriously to one state again and it seemed mysteriously tipped in the favor of Sauron.The same thing can surely happen again and if it happens for a third time...I may lose all faith in this process. But the worry is all for naught right now...let's just wait see what tomorrow brings, shall we?

GO FRODO!!!!!!!!!!!!