Friday, October 31, 2008

Happyy BOO!thday to Auntie Judy

Just wanted to say - CHEERS TO YOU!! - my wonderful, superfun, supersweet, superfunny Auntie S.S. Judy - I love you and miss you with my whole heart!!

Hugs and kisses to you - may no ghosts or goblins disturb you and give you a spooktacular birthday, except for Jake the Snake and Allie Gator!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

As the Hair Turns

Well things are better, for those of you who were worried about my hair and life status. Yes, today, the locks returned to a more normal state and with that, so did my state of mind. The rest of me didn't look so shitty, and I generally felt better - as the hair goes, the rest me follows. Oh you know, I'm still sort of HRUMPH-y and snippy but I restrained myself and just went along my merry little way. I didn't hurt anyone physically, that's important. The play last night helped - Farragut North at the Atlantic on West 20th - The Cousins joined me and they make me laugh too so that was additional remedy for my troubles. I read this is actually being made into a movie with George Clooney and it was interesting to see this at this point in time - it's all about the wrangling and games that go on behind the scenes during campaigns, this one being the Democratic primaries. And because The Cousin has connections, we get front row always at this place and you are literally 6 inches away from the basically we saw Chris Noth spit a lot. But more importantly - we decided to do a day trip to Philadelphia next weekend to go to Eastern State Penitentiary ( ) and see the sights. And tomorrow I do something else spooky...

"Spooks, Scandals, and Scoundrels of Greenwich Village! This light-hearted tour highlights stories of Village hauntings and scandals involving prominent New Yorkers over the past two hundred years. Find out about the surprising ghosts that haunt Greenwich Village, plus dastardly acts associated with the libidinous Stanford White, jaunty Jimmy Walker and infamous Aaron Burr. And what supernaturally-inclined tour could fail to include a nod to the macabre Edgar Allan Poe? Sites include Washington Square Park, St. Luke's in the Field, and the oldest house in Greenwich Village."

Fun, yeah? I think so...the rest of my time shall be spent alternating between resting and doing laundry so this will be the bright spot in the weekend.

And you, out there? How does your hair look lately? Because in the words of the great Vidal Sassoon, "if you don't look good, WE don't look good"!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Do you understand how much my hair has an impact on my day and mood and general all around quality of life? I have funky hair. It does not do what I ask it to - it has a mind of its own and does what it feels like doing, and sometimes - like today - that is quite contrary to what I desire. It's as if God had a sense of humor when bestowing upon me the Hair Gene and said: "Lets do something REALLY different here, lets really let this small thing challenge her on a constant basis ... lets see what she makes of it" - of course I couldn't have normal hair. Of course. I'm me - things are typically left of center and usually that's fine. It's just the way I am ...

but WHY OH WHY must my hair cause me such distress?

There was a book of Allie's when she was little called "Aaron's Hair" that always cracked me up - maybe she can write a book for little girls in a bad mood called "Auntie Nikki's Hair" and she can describe my trials and tribulations in a humorous and educational way so that others may learn from me and my misgivings.

This is all to say that I should have stayed home today, I should have pulled those covers right over my head and taken the day to regroup, organize the self, and perhaps, some sort of deep conditioning follicle treatment. I have been in a horrible mood since I woke up, I feel like my face is frozen in a snarl, I look like crap, I feel like crap, I'm overwhelmed with work and life and as if it's all flailing out of control. I have the same anxious feeling I get when I think about space too much or the environment - like in the movie Sex Lies and Videotape, she's all upset about the garbage and where will we put it. I totally get like that. A sense of something so unwieldly and out of my control that I want to burst into tears at the mere mention of it.

So back to my hair. I've tried all day to fight the good fight and just get on with it, plaster on a fake smile, anything, to no avail. I finally just went out and got some curl/frizz cream and that seems to have soothed it down off of the ledge but the rest of me remains irritable as hell. What shall be the remedy? Well, I have to leave work early to go to the dentist - now I doubt that will help much. Then I'm going to a play starring Mr. Big that is only costing me 10 bucks even though normally the tickets are $65 ... maybe its just the thing. He does have nice hair though, so maybe it will throw me for a loop and I'll get all envious and rush the stage to attack him in a jealous rage.

Say a prayer for me please? I don't want to be this version of me. I want to be the happy cheery HURRAH! Me. Not the uglyontheinside/uglyontheoutside ME.

I just had a nice long talk with someone here and I feel better. Whew! Found my center again. But still....

My wish is for tomorrow to be a prettier day for us all, inside and out. Stay tuned to see what has become of me....

Friday, October 17, 2008

A YAY! Then a WOO HOO! and now...HURRAH?!!

I got a YAY! last night from my boss...wait, that sounds funny...I DID NOT mean it THAT way, get your minds out of the gutter...HRUMPH! Nope, I just mean all my hard work for our upgrade paid off and I do mean PAID OFF. So YAY!! It makes paying my NYC rent so much easier when I'm getting paid nicely and for this I am grateful. Now I can go and spend a little of it this weekend, maybe? Perhaps? And then I had a WOO HOO! moment this morning on the train - so close to being a YAYWOOHOOHURRAH but at this point I'll settle for a nice WOO HOO and wish for more - despite the fact that I felt ugly and not myself... I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache so bad I couldn't get back to sleep, sort of migraine-ish and so as I was rushing about getting ready for work (late as usual) I thought "this day is most likely going to blow but I'll have to do my best to duck my head down and just get through it" but the YAYs and the WOO HOOs are making me warm and fuzzy, just like a Bill Cosby sweater... so then, what's next? These things come in threes (so they say) so who or what will provide me with the final HURRAH moment? Come on, who out there is going to step up to the plate? I am totally due a HURRAH...



Thursday, October 16, 2008


FYI, to Anonymous Poster below - evil eyes INDEED!!

We were actually going for a look, something I have hanging on my bedroom wall -Wood Woman by Brian Froud - Vron saw it and thought at first it was me trying to be artistic with a self-portrait!

And she's not evil, she's a good faery! Just like ME....don't you see the resemblance?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some pics..thats all

I guess I really didn't take very many pics, did I? But here are a few from the Botanical Garden and at St. John the Divine - there are some really cute shots on The Texas Two's camera that I hope they share at some point - but for now, this is all I have to give you ...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sad sad sad...

Because I'll have to say buhbye to my visiting buddies soon!! They came in like a Texas Tornado last week and when they leave on a jet plane I'm gonna be as sad as rice cakes in a room full of chocolate ...WAH WAH!!!

So obviously, I've had way too much fun, so much so that my cheeks hurt from the laughter and entertainment both ladies have provided ... I'll post a few pics tomorrow I'm sure but I just had to let the universe know... WAH WAH!!!! From wine and cheese and giggles and up late the night they came in to Bronx Botanical Garden to Soho shopping to Korean food and my first taste of bimbimbab and soju (Korean sake) to a West Village breakfast to Midtown street fair to walking around our old collegiate stomping grounds of Barnard & Columbia to Riverside Park and The Amiable Child to St John the Divine to Absolute Bagels to Thai Tilapia and more sake and then to Mama Mexico where we were serenaded while giggling some more over margaritas and nachos - well, it was a whirlwind! So love you both and thanks for every moment!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thanksgiving With Pete!

This year, while the rest of my family will be enjoying their turkey in Idee-ho with Snow White and the Dwarves, I will be spending it with Pete at Carnegie Hall, Row Y, Seat 109 Prime Parquet! Tickets went on sale today and I considered it a birthday present for myself to buy a ticket and so it was.

And I was reading an article about him today. It was describing his house in upstate NY and the writer noted:

"There's a Peruvian flute hanging on the wall alongside his trademark banjo, the same one he's used for forty-five years. Inscribed on its head are the words

This instrument surrounds hate and forces it to surrender."

Beautiful, right?

Une Bonne Anniversaire a Moi!

Oui, it is that time again! The joyous occasion of my birth...YAY!!! Yeah, I know big deal ... everyone has them and I had very little to do with it - blame Joyce and Charlie!!!

So far the good people of this world have been very kind to me - I came in to my office to find a huge bouquet of fleurs and a plate full of homemade empanandas and hugs and many nice nice nice email wishes - to be followed by lunch courtesy of the Boss and then that will pretty much be it for now ... I'm really celebrating on Friday with The Texan Twosome but YAY! again and thanks to all who have been so sweet to me - I'm very grateful!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I've had enough of the ruff stuff, baby*

*taken from one of my favorite Gomez songs about an "unhealthy" lifestyle - in their case drugs and smokes, in my case PeopleSoft and Oracle, late nights and weird sleep patterns.

In other words, to speak plainly and simply - because like Sarah Palin in last night's debate, I want to "speak straight" to Joe Six Pack and all the Soccer Moms - I'M TIRED.

And who the hell is Joe Six Pack anyway? In my HUMBLE opinion, this lady who tries to place herself as part of the middle class (who's hubby is a biggie in the oil industry and owns a fishing company and they are both classified as millionaires) is actually being pretty snarky and condescending by referring to the Middle Class this way. Does she see all middle class men as a bunch of white trash dudes with potbellies in wifebeaters who hang out in front of their trailers, guzzling beer while they work on their crappy pickups? Is she DARING to assume that all middle class women have no other ambitions than to be Soccer Moms, that some of us might be single and - gasp - have no kids at all? Is she really trying to lump us all in this little middle class stereotype and act as if she "understands", she "has been there"? REALLY? I can't stand this piece of crap excuse for a politician and I find it demeaning that the Republicans think that is the best they can do for a position that would be second in command - you want a lady in there, thinking you'll get all the Pro-Hillary Anti-Obama women swinging on over to McCain and this tarty, unintelligent, cheesy, CHICK is the best you could come up with? Seriously. I love Rachel Maddow's opinion of her debate performance by the way, calling her out on being so folksy she almost seemed to be a cartoon, not a real person - I fully expected her at some point to break out with a "OOH yah, yoo betcha, let me tell you about my Uncle Ole Oleson from Min-EE-sew-tah..." and yes I can make fun of the Minnesota accent because my family is from there - she's from freaking Alaska, where did the accent come from? I'll tell you - FAKE FOLKSINESS!


My family is middle class - if she classifies us by what we inbibe, I'm going to start calling my dad Chuck Grand Marnier and my mom Joyce Seabreeze. And I'm Nicola Tequila. HA! More like Nicole Maca Supergreens lately...

So you can tell I'm grumpy, right? Eh, I'll be okay, I just need to sleep well over the weekend, get my hair done tomorrow so that I look pretty for Veronica and Larisa (look how pretty I am!) and have a glass of wine tonight. I'm actually feeling very good - HAPPY - just weary. I keep waking up at like 4am and I'll be wide awake and golly gee (another PALINISM!!) I need my sleep in order to function. Basically, I haven't had a day off in 2 weeks and and I've been working almost every night until 8pm so the wear and tear are unravelling me. Can I sing Weezer's Sweater Song now?

HEY! Um, weird...The Sweater Song just came on my radio!! How's that for some synchronicity!!!