Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm quite ambitious for my office garden - at the Botanical Garden this weekend, I got a wee bit swept up in all the bountiful Mother Natureness around me so I stopped by their garden shop and bought lavender, rosemary, basil, and mint for my herbiness and most excitingly, borage, nasturtiums, and marigolds - for - ta da! - EDIBLE FLOWERS!!!

The first time I had flowers on a salad, I was probably 12 or 13 years old and visiting family in Carmel, California and Aunt Beth put petals on top of the salad and I thought that was THE most magical thing you could have ever done to greens except maybe some sort of edible glitter bacon bits. And every once in a blue moon, I see a package of them at a gourmet deli but I thought I'd grow some myself and have a fairy-elven-magical type salad this summer - I'll come up with a formal, more poetic name once I get these growing.

About a month ago, I had started two little pots with seedlings and I watered and I protected and I hoped, but nothing happened. So, I figured the seeds were no longer viable, the soil was dead - something. And I gave up. But so as not to waste the soil, I just plopped it in this other plant and packed it down. Well look what's going on!

They are growing! It's a green thumb miracle! For some reason, however small a thing this is, it made me feel happy to see it when I came in to work yesterday and made me think of one of my favorite quotes:

“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.'”

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