... my cousin Jamie's famous egg, the ugliest egg ever, dipped in every single color and so it became a gray/brown muddle but its perfect because we still remember it the most out of all of the thousands of eggs we've colored and she was so little and so proud of it
...watching the Sound of Music - it was only ever on once a year, usually at Easter but at some point, they switched it to Christmastime too, but I always associate it Eastertime
...waking up the next morning and running around trying to find where in the house the Easter Baskets were hidden; usually, I would spy Snow White's first or she would see mine and we'd get all excited "I FOUND IT!!! But it's not mine..." and then the other would scurry over to see where the other sister had just been...
... getting a new bathing suit from Grandma Max for the season and wanting to wear it RIGHT AWAY
... our sugar panoramic eggs

... the bestest thing , our Easter egg hunt, which involved my mother calling forth her inner rap star and coming up with these awesome rhymes for clues. She would put coins and a clue to the next egg in each plastic shell and at the end of it all, Snow and I would add up the money and split it
... having to get prettied up for church - which would be annoying because it would be packed with the 2 X a Year People (a.k.a The Bad Catholics)
... squirming the whole time because we wanted to get home to use the bathing suit, eat candy (which we always gave up for Lent so today, at long last, we could eat as much as we liked) and take our first dip of the year in the pool. Daddy would stay home to take the cover off and clean it, we'd go pick up Grandma Marion after Mass and then it was back home to See's chocolate eggs cut up into slices, ham, potato salad (or maybe egg salad - DUH!) running from the house and jumping straight in the pool and SCREAMING because it was so GODAWFUL COLD.
But it was so much FUN.
Snow White, Mom, Daddy - what else am I forgetting??
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