"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Monday, September 27, 2010
I love this...
Bless you for your anger.
For it is a sign of rising energy.
Direct not to your family, waste not on your enemy.
Transform the energy to versatility
And it will bring you prosperity.
Bless you for your sorrow
For it is a sign of vulnerability.
Share not with your family, direct not to yourself.
Transform the energy to sympathy
And it will bring you love.
Bless you for your greed
For it is a sign of great capacity.
Direct not to your family. Direct not to the world.
Transform the energy to giving.
Give as much as you wish to take,
And you will receive satisfaction.
Bless you for your jealousy
For it is a sign of empathy
Direct not to your family, direct not to your friends.
Transform the energy to admiration
And what you admire
Will become part of your life
Bless you for your fear
For it is a sign of wisdom.
Do not hold yourself in fear.
Transform the energy to flexibility
And you will be free
From what you fear.
Bless you for your search of direction
For it is a sign of aspiration.
Transform the energy to receptivity
And the direction will come to you.
Bless you for the times you see evil.
Evil is energy mishandled and it feeds on your support.
Feed not and it will self-destruct.
Shed light and it will cease to be.
Bless you for the times you feel no love.
Open your heart to life anyway
and in time you will find
love in you.
Bless you, bless you, bless you.
Bless you for what you are.
You are a sea of goodness, a sea of love.
Count your blessings every day for they are your protection
Which stands between you and what you wish not.
Count your curses and they will be a wall
Which stands between you and what you wish.
The world has all that you need
And you have the power
to attract what you wish.
Wish for health, wish for joy.
Remember you are loved.
Sleeping in the Forest by Mary Oliver
she took me back so tenderly,
arranging her dark skirts, her pockets
full of lichens and seeds.
I slept as never before, a stone on the river bed,
nothing between me and the white fire of the stars
but my thoughts, and they floated light as moths
among the branches of the perfect trees.
All night I heard the small kingdoms
breathing around me, the insects,
and the birds who do their work in the darkness.
All night I rose and fell, as if in water,
grappling with a luminous doom. By morning
I had vanished at least a dozen times
into something better.
I think I post poems & quotes from Mary Oliver more often than any other poet...I can't help it though, she seems to write in the same way my heart and head takes in and digests things and feelings but being a good poet, does it in a coherent, graceful way...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Office Garden
Wee marigold flower - this is just blooming now for some odd reason - next to it is borage (which sadly never bloomed) & mint which I just cut down so it's regrowing
Asparagus ferns
Basil - needs to be repotted so that it will flourish but I was lazy and never did it
Big monstrous alien plant that will surely eat me alive one day!!! IT HAS ARMS!!!
(and yes Chuck & Joyce, that is a photo of you two on my desk - feel flattered -it's the one where a co-worker once asked "why do you have a picture of Anthony Quinn on your desk, do you know him? HA!)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ways to Endure a Weekend Flu Bug
2. Pumpernickel toast - it's all I've had to eat but yum. Thank gawd I went to the market on Friday before I was struck down (my my, she gets a little dramatic when she falls ill with the vapours, doesn't she?)
3. My Famous Magical Ginger Honey Lemon Cinnamon Tea: made me sweat like crazy but it broke my fever and soothed my nausea
4. Smelling like a garden despite feeling & looking U-G-L-Y: violet lotion + tuberose & lemon verbena oil + green tea/ pomegranate oil in my hair
5. Reading "Are You There Vodka, It's Me, Chelsea" - you know I read it in her voice in my head!
6. Constant napping followed by 10 hours of sleeping like a log with weird very bizarre dreams
7. Project Runway marathons. If I had a fairy godfather, I think I would like it to be just like Tim Gunn
Saturday, September 18, 2010
“Don’t despair too much if you see beautiful things destroyed, if you see them perish. Because the best things are always growing in secret.” — Ben Okri
(yes, it's my thumb, my Barbie pink nail polish, my kitchen counter, my chocolate foil wrapper sculpted into a heart, my fun with iPhone photo apps!)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Free Will Astrology September 14, 2010
Does God ride the E train?
Un Bon Repas
(is my French correct?)
One should say grace before such a lovely salad I prepared for myself ... I'm calling it a fairy salad, since it contains edible flowers (orchids), to be eaten slowly and savored with chopsticks; a goblet of coconut water infused with pineapple and she feels smiley as the wings unfurl out of her back...
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Guest House ~ Rumi
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
From today's "The Daily Love"email
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Here I am swathed in my down alternative blanket ... merci beaucoup,oh ye travel gods!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
1.Get enough food to eat, and eat it.
2. Find a place to sleep where it is quiet, and sleep there.
3. Reduce intellectual and emotional noise until you arrive at the silence of yourself, and listen to it.
This was how I spent my looooooong Independence Day Weekend - I did #4. And you know what? I loved it. I didn't do a whole lot and yet, much was accomplished. Mostly that means I had a set of tasks set out and I ticked most of them off as "done", walked around DESPITE the overbearing heat, street fairs, sitting in the park, people-watching, street fairing, netbook purchasing, Sephora goodie stops - that sort of thing. Mostly it was me getting ready to head to California on Saturday and be by my beloved ocean ooooh she can't wait to dip her toes in the sand and sea. I just need to live through this week, I have FAR too much going on - this week is just a continuation of last week where I felt I was forgetting to breathe and man, do I hate that feeling. I'm gonna do my best - to breathe, yet, but also smile - sometimes I forget to do that too, in my grumpitude.
You too - yes YOU - don't forget:
1. Breathing
2. Smiling
Do it now - feel better?
Celebrate YOUR Independence..
listen to the mustnts, child,
listen to the donts
listen to the shouldnts,
the impossibles,
the wonts
listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me…
anything can happen, child,
anything can be.
(this was supposed to be my July 4th post but the pic got all screwy so now that I've corrected it, it's dated today - anyhoo...also, I totally forgot the source of the supercool pic so I apologize to whoever created it - it's lovely and makes me wish I had a head made from butterfly wings!!)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mazes! Gnomes! Lavender!
They have a hedge maze (with a hidden gnome!), a rose maze, a lavender maze, gardens...sigh...
Then, I'd have to go HERE as well - this sounds even MORE up my alley:
Enchanted mazes? The Amazing Lolly Shop? Fantasy Gardens? COME ON!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Life's a bowl of cherries-or sometimes just a handful
Don't take it serious
Life's too mysterious
Life is just a bowl of cherries,
So live and laugh at it all."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
~Mary Oliver
First on the gratitude list this morning? MY OH MY do I make good coffee. I honestly do. Buying Bustelo instead of the cheaper espresso helps (yes, I do lean towards thirfty, much to my dismay, but I'm learning to spend more when it's meaningful and appropriate, i.e. whenever I want) but wow! for some reason, this current cup stands out as scrumdidiliumptious... and here it is in all its glory
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
time is 10:08 (my birthdate) ... does that mean something? Can I make
up a meaning for it? Or someone out there, if you care to - tell me
what to think about it
Also, on a side note: call me strange (hee - too late) but I love the
way the 42nd St stop on the 6 train smells - like a woodburning
fireplace or oven - from the market above?? It's quite yummy, even in
the swelter of summertime.
Caterpillar Days
"Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost, drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then, as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest and useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual....Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude-the attitude of courage, frankness and good cheer. To think rightly is to create. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed. Whenever you go out of doors, carry your chin in and the crown of your head high.
We are gods in the chrysalis."
"And then you break through
And dry before my eyes
Take me with you, where you hide tonight
Did you feel the beat in a fetal curl
Could you be original caterpillar girl
Crawling up the vine, splitting your spine
Flowing through the motion, leave a shell behind...
The birds, like me, want you now
We want you now
Caterpillar come out..."
~Lou Barlow
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Touchstone Word for the Week? Simplify.
~ Chippewa, translated by Robert Bly
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ugh, What a Week...

I do believe - by the way - this to be a terribly written post, but I'm really very tired and annoyed so I'm just trying to determine if the Facebook thing is figured out and then I WANT TO LEAVE MY OFFICE!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!
Testing Testing
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I'm quite ambitious for my office garden - at the Botanical Garden this weekend, I got a wee bit swept up in all the bountiful Mother Natureness around me so I stopped by their garden shop and bought lavender, rosemary, basil, and mint for my herbiness and most excitingly, borage, nasturtiums, and marigolds - for - ta da! - EDIBLE FLOWERS!!!
The first time I had flowers on a salad, I was probably 12 or 13 years old and visiting family in Carmel, California and Aunt Beth put petals on top of the salad and I thought that was THE most magical thing you could have ever done to greens except maybe some sort of edible glitter bacon bits. And every once in a blue moon, I see a package of them at a gourmet deli but I thought I'd grow some myself and have a fairy-elven-magical type salad this summer - I'll come up with a formal, more poetic name once I get these growing.
About a month ago, I had started two little pots with seedlings and I watered and I protected and I hoped, but nothing happened. So, I figured the seeds were no longer viable, the soil was dead - something. And I gave up. But so as not to waste the soil, I just plopped it in this other plant and packed it down. Well look what's going on!
They are growing! It's a green thumb miracle! For some reason, however small a thing this is, it made me feel happy to see it when I came in to work yesterday and made me think of one of my favorite quotes:
“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.'”
Moonstone Beach

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
In this dark I rest,
unready for the light which dawns
day after day,
eager to be shared.
Black silk, shelter me.
I need
more of the night before I open
eyes and heart
to illumination. I must still
grow in the dark like a root
not ready, not ready at all.
Foundations by Leopold Staff
I built on the sand
And it tumbled down,
I built on a rock
And it tumbled down.
Now when I build, I shall begin
With the smoke from the chimney.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
~ Kahlil Gibran
Hmmm, little things such as my good coffee whilst reading, an open window with a slight cooling breeze, pretty little fun things bought yesterday as I wandered about after getting out of work early, feeling like my week was ever so hectic & yet I did a good job of keeping myself balanced (for once) and present in the moment which makes me feel capable, which makes me feel like a real adult, not some child playing dress up which is usually how I feel! I'm okay with that by the way, I have an idea that it will prevent aging oh if I can just stay young at heart! Wrinkles may come, but heart & soul, may you stay smooth as a baby...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
SOOOOO tired lately - maybe I'm still run down from being sick last week, from running nonstop all around Philadelphia last weekend - my aching legs just stopped hurting today which shows you I've been hibernating all winter because usually, I can walk and walk and walk - fast too - and feel nothing but oooooo was I feeling like the Little Mermaid when she came on land. I need to find a way to balance things out more, less feeling like go go go during the week, wearing myself out to the point that the weekend rolls around and I feel like I could just curl up like a roly-poly bug and not move until it was required of me - you know, for food and bathing and such. Even that proves difficult. Bottom line is, I feel slothful. And that is despicable. A deadly sin.
Must repent. Must become virtuous. Move move MORE, eat BETTER, sleep LONGER, etc etc etc...you know the drill. Live,not just exist. That kind of thing.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I realized last night this is the first time I've been in a hotel room by myself (it seemed oh TOO quiet at first) since ten years ago when I had to come here for work a couple of times a year and it brought back memories - all good ones actually - of catching the train (Amtrak because we didn't have to pay for it), working all sorts of crazy hours because we'd have a deadline to meet & never being able to see much except the few blocks around the office which was right across
from City Hall so this is my second trip back to see more "stuff" and really enjoy it - even last time I came only for a day and it was rush rush - fun but too quick. So this mini trip, I hope we can stroll a bit more, not run place to place.
Onto the stuff then!! But first - COFFEE...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oh, The Lovely Poem du Jour
I grabbed the streetcar from Fisherman's Wharf
to the Ferry Building to save my feet for later.
My dollar bill, wrinkled and worn, resisted disappearing
into the slot. I stuffed the transfer
in my pocket without looking.
As the streetcar rounded the Embarcadero,
I called my mother-in-law with mother's day wishes,
imagined the conversation
I'd have with mine, were she alive.
On exiting, I asked the conductor
how long the transfer would last.
I gave you extra time, he said.
Just show it. Hardly anyone looks.
It's good until it's taken away.
Monday, May 17, 2010
"...we all get Cokes too, even though Daddy says that having a cold drink before twelve noon is 'a whore's breakfast.'"
Sip on that, all you people out there buying iced lattes from the coffee cart tomorrow morning ... I see you!!!
Now I'm dying to get/read the other 3 books by Rebecca Wells but for now, to sleep because, yes, she's down with a cold yet again - I swear, if this were the olden days, (the days of yore) they'd send me off to the sanitarium to recover my health. Or if I had been wealthy in ye olde tymes, take the waters at Baden-Baden. I do know that I'm quite tired of getting a bug or a cold every 6 weeks & it always seems to hit at a bad time - in this case going to Philly with some friends this weekend while dealing with extra special work stress.
So to bed to sleep then where I wish myself sweet dreams and an unstuffy nose and a head that doesn't feel like lead...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

~Tallulah Bankhead (1903 – 1968)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Aujoud'hui, I say "merci!"...
I always mean to go to that side of the platform and drop something in his chapeau but since I'm always et forever en retard, I never remember to...
Peut-etre a demain...peut-etre...

P.S - my hair makes me feel very Amelie-ish too - so VIVE LA FRANCE!!!!!!