Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Gross NYC Tale

So I'm sitting outside during my lunch break sipping on my fruit smoothie - lovely day, sun is shining, a breeze is blowing, not too hot out...should have been a perfect 20 minutes.

Should have been.

But then this icky corpulent dude with a long frizzy goatee came and sat near me. He lit up a cigarette and proceeded to hawk up lugey after lugey and then would spit it up onto the concrete. After a number of spits, he turned my way and I could see he obviously wasn't a good spitter because some of the spittle was stuck on his disgusting goatee.

Fine - I was almost done with my break anyway. Let me just eat my banana in peace and then I'm gone.

Along came this other guy who asked Icky Dude for a light - he just shook his head and said he didn't have any more matches. So the guy asked well can I use your cigarette to light mine and Icky Dude declined. So the other guy sets down his coffee cup on the planter where we are both sitting and goes over to another group of smokers to get a light.

I get up to leave but as I do, I see Icky Dude lean over and SPIT in the guy's coffee cup!


And I feel bad because I couldn't see where the coffee cup guy had gone and I had to head back to work - so I just prayed that he didn't take a sip of the coffee, I hoped to God he was finished with it...I'm gagging at the thought of it...but it's his fault for setting it down there...isn't it? Or am I a bad person for not sticking around to warn him? This is NYC, you can't do that here!! At the very least, a pigeon might poop in it, not to mention an Icky Dude spitting in it.


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