It seems to like being sandwiched between the warmth of my printer and the window light. It smells fantastic too and I keep getting jokes about when am I going to start up tomatoes too. Yes, and perhaps I could also let a water buffalo graze next to my desk so I can milk it, create mozzarella and make a daily Insalata Caprese!
I also started nasturtiums from seed and for a long while I only got leaves - they are pretty though and growing long and ivy-like and I was pleased with the result. But I came in this Monday morning and look what greeted me:
Surprise! Its first flower. Of course - since I read into things - I took it as an omen of good things to come...
Boy that basil looks good!! Mine died while on vacation:( My new fav: lemonade or tonic water with basil leaves. YUM. Add frozen or fresh fruit too!!