It's on to June we go and let's see what we can do differently this month. I think I was suffering that let down you get when summer vacation is over - only this time, it was the Texan Adventure. I had looked forward to it for so long, and then it happened and it ROCKED and was over too quickly and I realized there how much I miss my Little Buddy and having the daily fit of giggles and then I came back here and was quickly pulled down into a funk, wondering "what now?" I remember when Snow White and I were little and we all went to Kauai and we drove back to Las Vegas from California, knowing we had to go back to school the next day. As soon as we crossed the stateline into Nevada and saw that sign, we both started sobbing and were inconsolable. My mother took pity on us and so she let us stay home the next day and most likely did something fun with us like build a fort in the living room and watch a movie in it but I'm an adult now so I guess I have to build my own fort, don't I? Unless - Mommy, do you want to fly here and help with the sheets and two chairs? I'll Netflix something for us...
Time to pull oneself up by the bootstraps as they say and stop being such a miserable old cow. Plaster on a fake smile and plow through it until it feels right - fake it til you make it sort of thing. I've had a nice couple of days now and some plans percolating so all of that helps and allows the good thoughts to simmer and take hold. Saw Angels and Demons this Sunday, followed by pulled pork, coleslaw and some bourbon drink (or two) called Backyard Brew at Blue Smoke...yummmm pulled pork, sweet savory tender piggy... sorry, piggy, but you do taste good. Then last night I met the newly crowned "Mrs." Bushwick Bird after work to see Wolverine for a midweek movie night - it was fun and you get to see Hugh Jackman naked and I have a mini crush on Liev Schreiber and we had candy for dinner so all in all - a fantastic Tuesday.
And work has been going super well - I've had a lot to do but it's all stuff I like - my boss and some of the IT dudes call me the Little Termite - I guess I dig in there and make work for them, now don't I? I've also been crowned the Met Killer - one word from me about the Mets and their awesomeness goes south so I've been forbidden by my boss and the other co-worker Met Fans to speak of them...sort of like Harry Potter and He Who Must Not Be Named - yes, it IS that serious...
And a possible Philadelphia day trip in another week or so...and then Family Reunion at the end of July..oh and there's nail polish! How could we forget my new nail polish? See, it's always the little things - bought this superdark, eggplanty nail polish that makes me feel vampy and flapperish:

Not that I'm either of those things but I love it - and I know my mother would hate it, but I don't care - it's FABULOUS. The trick is to do it to short nails - if they get long and you wear it, it looks Elvira-ish and that's not what I'm after. Cool, a bit goth but not ghoulish.
I know this is a pretty humdrum post - I feel like I'm writing a letter sometimes to some random person out there in the ethers and I'm just filling it with all my day to day stuff that isn't really interesting but you need to keep up with me to know where my head's at - I do hope I have some better things to entertain you with soon - I'm keeping my fingers crossed and you should too, if you want better reading material!
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