Well it's late in the evening, and the music's seeping through
and the next thing I remember... I was climbing a ladder onto a boat off of Molokini after snorkeling and there was a BBQ going so there was that smoky charcoal smell and people laughing and I was very happy and this Paul Simon song was playing then as we ate our hamburgers and corn on the cob in the middle of the ocean and it just came on the radio now and it always makes me think of that Maui trip with My Little Buddy Veronica ... we saw lots of pretty fishies and giant sea turtles and the guide warned us not to get too close to the edge of the crater because there was an impossibly strong tide that if you were to get caught in it, you would ride it all the way to Tahiti and drown, and that terrified me ... but anyway, that was such a cool day, cool experience and now, everytime I hear that Paul Simon song, the memory of it all swims back to me ...
I remember that trip very fondly too! The snorkeling was so awesome! (Remember that horrible picture of me underwater?)Two songs that always take me back there are that "Can't you feel my heartbeat" song by Tahiti 80 and that Macy Gray song they were playing at that time. The one where she says "I try to say goodbye and I choke, I try to walk away and I stumble..." I remember there was a line that I couldn't figure out at the time. The best I could come up with was "I blow bubbles when you are not here." I think I just wanted to make us laugh. ...and then, there was Mervyn. I believe Mervyn came into the world with long, abundant laughter as we drove down that highway with the ocean to our right.
ReplyDeleteMervyn was totally birthed in Maui and somehow it was decided that I would start referring to you as Mervyn - and spelled that way too, not Mervin - the Y somehow makes us laugh more. Other highlights: me making you get up 3x at 3am to get to the top of the volcano by sunrise;it only worked once! Chasing the sun on the road to Hana, thinking we were going to the volcano, but were not;that fat woman by the side of the road that made us buy a lei and I had to present it to you and kiss you on the cheek - we thought it was for free-you have just given your money away! You forgetting everything on top of the car; the bird attacking us when we first got to the condo...oh I could go on...
ReplyDeleteYes! I remember all those things! I'd almost forgotten about the lady on the side of the road with the leis. How could I forget her? All the time spent in New York learning how to Beware the Con Artist and the Con Game--but it was no match for the big Hawaiian lady sitting flagging us down with her pretty leis!