What I really want to comment on is how much I liked "There Will Be Blood" - I forgot I was watching a movie from opening to ending and that's - I think - a testament to how great an actor Daniel Day-Lewis is ...so go see that. (Vron, just do that...how do you think that looks?)
And can I tell you how much fun I had playing poker on Saturday night at Evan's? I did much better than the last time I played (2 years ago) and I actually almost won 3 rounds, if only I hadn't folded too soon...ah well, live and learn, I came in with 10 bucks and left with 7.85 so I'm not too much of a loser...I guess you really do need to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, like Kenny Rogers says you do...and know when to walk away..and know when to run...
Don't we all know the lyrics to that song? Do you want me to admit that one of the first records I ever bought - at Woolco - was Kenny Rogers GOLD!! I'm not embarassed either ...
Well...maybe a little...
Don't judge me...
LOL...Woolco!! ~Merv