Not too much going on here that's of much interest to you people out there...I've been busy with work stuff I guess this week and everything has been GO GO GO ... I'm ready for Xmas by the way, usually I'm upset to see Xmas decorations and commercials RIGHT after Halloween but this year they are just making me feel happy that my favorite time of the year is upon us...yes, its almost time to be cutely bundled and sipping hot drinks and laughing merrily as we skip down the street..ok, everything except that last part, I DO NOT skip. But I do enjoy being cutely bundled and my parents seem to like that phrase that I've coined so I'm going to use it nonstop just to bring a chuckle to Chuckie. I bought a SMOKING hot black leather jacket this weekend in a SMALL mind you - so it's tight but I think it looks nice on me - its very fitted. And if I just lose a little more weight it will be really perfection. This week it got colder so it was time to bring out the wool coats as well and I realized how dumpy I felt in my black coat of 5 years. Yes, after five years I think its time to bid you never did fit me right, but my cheap (ahem, THRIFTY) soul would not part with you until I could wear you no longer. And so that time has come...a nice new grey double-breasted coat that is so much warmer and looks much nicer on me.
It will in the 40's this weekend, so I'll have lots of chances to wear it - Saturday is yoga, followed by Healthy Lunch (maybe Floating Head?), followed by more shopping to Rid Self of Dumpiness, then out to Forest Hills for Girls Movie Night where we shall watch Spaceballs with lots of silliness and some liquor. Sunday I hope to go to yoga again, then - and I'm super excited about this - I'm taking a Sacred Jewelry class at the Rubin- Himalayan art - museum. Here's the description of the class:"Go from concept to finished piece. Class begins with a gallery tour to explore the traditional colors, designs and sacred meanings of Himalayan jewelry. Working with beads and stones from the region, bring to life your own sacred jewelry, and leave wearing a beautiful piece."
Cool, yes? I KNOW! I'll take a photo of my finished piece and let you all know how it turned out!
I CAN"T BELIEVE YOU ARE WATCHING SPACEBALLS!! UGH!!! Did you not spend your entire teenage years with people saying "May the Schwartz be with you" because of our name? I HATED that and never would watch it again. Your friends must have been nicer!!
Ha!!! You are wrong, I got it A LOT! I got it in college too, boys in particular seemed to think that was just hysterical and that they were so smart, they were the first to ever say it to me...I know, but that movie is SO silly, it's guaranteed to make you giggle..
Pizza the Hut!
I'm just plain Yogurt.
Barf - I'm half man, half dog - I'm my own best friend...