Monday, September 10, 2007

Sporty Spice's Weekend of Fun

Yep, that's me, Sporty Spice - appearing for one weekend only, mind you. Friday actually wasn't so sporty, unless you consider eating 2 pounds of mussels a sport...I consider it YUMMY. But Saturday Floating Head called me at 10:30 to inform me that she scored free Mets vs. Astros tickets so woo hoo, I was off to an afternoon of hot dogs, beer, and the sweet smell of victory as Tom Glavine won #303. The next event entailed a walking tour of Historical Woodside, Queens - the childhood home of Floating Head and Jany - where nails were manicured to perfection, dim sum and durian* and smoothie fruits were purchased at the Asian Market, and then to Floating Head's pad where we watched yet another America's Next Top Model Marathon, making fun of the girls just like my mom and Miss Dassel used to do each year during the Miss America pageant. Oh, I know it's catty but it's just so much FUN. Sunday was the US Open Men's final - Roger Federer - of course - vs. Novak Djokovic. I wanted the Serbian to win - Roger wins everything and I always root for the underdog, so my cheering was loudest for The Big Serb. Plus, the Serbian fans are fun when they get loud and rowdy and excited, so I thought that would be fun to be in the crowd for. Roger won in straight sets, but it was actually a really tense, close, exciting match - a few points here or there, and The Big Serb would have won it and he seems to be the only player I've seen in a long time who even comes close to competing with Federer. And with a raise of the trophy, my Sporting Weekend came to a weary, yet well-spent, close.

* A note regarding the you know about this super smelly, mysterious fruit? It smells slightly rotten, tastes slightly oniony AND slightly vanilla custardy and I've been dying to try it since watching Anthony Bourdain eat it on No Reservations - he spoke about it like it was the most heavenly thing a person could eat. What made me more curious was the guy from Bizarre Foods. Now, I've watched that guy eat: a still beating frog's heart, guinea pig, ants, bugs of all kinds, brains, spiders, grubs, testicles from all sorts of animals and he SPIT THE DURIAN OUT and proclaimed it inedible!!! A STILL BEATING HEART he can eat...but not this fruit. Well now I've tried it and I can't say I love it (and I'm willing to eat a little more of it before I make up my mind completely, although it does smell godawful) it MUST beat out eating bugs. Snow White ate a spider when she was little so she must know for sure...I'll have to check with her on that!


  1. Well, you ate ants from the sand box so you would have some idea!! I bet there was some special cat flavoring to it too so I am sure the friut must be better!!! It's all in the texture for me though. UGG!!

  2. I actually liked the taste of the sand in our sand box in the back yard...remember it had iron granules in it b/c we used to take magnets and pull out the iron and put it in a baggie - I don't know why we did that! But it had that good metallic taste...I never ate an ant!!! Just boogers...

  3. actually Snow White ate a cricket with the little legs sticking out of her mouth !!!
