Since the Good Saturday, the rest of this week has been crappy. I’m feeling down, tired, overwhelmed, etc. The Boss is out all week and there is so much going on at work that I’m trying to handle on my own without getting stressed out and yet, I seem to find myself running ragged. I keep trying to fight it out and hopefully, I’ll go to sleep and wake up to a better mood tomorrow. I think I just have that let-down feeling – I used to get it at the end of summer vacation, coming back from a trip, or that Sunday night feeling when you know you have to go to school tomorrow and you feel just a little bit blue.
Oh well to you Ms.BadMoodThat'sAllInMyHead. I say to you, with my fist raised: Om Shanti, BITCH. (ha ha..that's jsut for Floating Head to giggle over).
take me there to celebrate