And are you loving every minute of it?
Enough of the Loverboy I only need to hold out until Thursday and then I get a little adventure. Friday we are off to Jamestown to party with Chaka Khan. We aren't quite sure how she fits into the whole colonial/America's 400th Birthday theme, but she is "Every Woman" so I guess she's a colonial-type woman too. So Friday, I had a strange meal. Not strange tasting, it was just in a strange location. Hanging lopsided off the side of a building on 50th and 2nd Avenue. And having 2 martinis didn't help that lopsided feeling. Okay, it was really a balcony at an Italian restaurant, but it was very tiny and Floating Head kept leaning towards the building in hopes of shifting her weight away from the edge so that we didn't fall off and onto the street. I got the feeling my mother would NOT have enjoyed eating up there. Rim O' The World Road in California, Juicy Mama? I'm being funny actually, it was very nice up there, just a little "tilty" you could say. I'm sure the 2 very very strong martinis didn't help, but it sure made me giggly as I pondered my death and tried to learn (in vain) to smile with my eyes, as directed by Tyra Banks.
Yesterday was the final yoga class in the workshop so now I have to hold myself accountable and continue that end, I purchased a 10 class card, and being the thrifty (a.k.a CHEAP) person that I am, I now HAVE to attend at least 10 classes there because to not use it after I gave them 130 bucks would be too much waste for this cheap ass girl. Anyway, I feel very proud of myself, first with starting the meditation practice because it was something that I always wanted to learn and make a part of my life and I've done it - I miss a few days here and there (such as Friday - one cannot meditate when one is a tiny bit slurry from martini drinking) but I generally do it every day for 30 minutes at least, sometimes a little longer and that's awesome. Secondly, I'm proud of myself, because normally when I start something or take a class or anything unfamiliar I need to have someone at my side, the buddy system, and the yoga class might be the first thing that I did all on my own - no hand holding (except maybe Indian Santa's, in spirit only!) so hurrah for me! I bought myself two little presents as a reward on my way home (and as I was Mother's Day shopping) - a cute sparkly little notebook from Pylones (I love that store..everything is so CUTE) and then a 5$ necklace from this lady by Union Square. Now this is funny because after the first meditation class, I saw that lady selling this jewelry and I looked at her necklaces and wanted one, but then I thought, ah that's the last thing I need is another necklace so why bother. Well for the next month, I kept thinking about that necklace - I coveted it. And I should have bought it and I kept going back to that spot to see if she was there and I never saw her. So as I'm walking to the train to head home I said to myself, "the 5$ necklace lady is going to be there" and lo and behold, there she was! (Merv: I summoned her. Just like "I SUMMON KODACHROME!") So at long last, I got my necklace and I thought that was a fitting gift to myself.
So to home, to home, where I happily watched The Two Towers. Favorite part, you ask? When the army of elves show up at the Battle at Helm's Deep - those elves are FIERCE. I wish I were an elf. They all have great hair too. And when Gandalf appears with the Riders of Rohan at dawn as promised to save the day and you know I was tempted to stay up and watch Return of the King, but as it was way past my beddybytime I did not - maybe tonight though...
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