Thursday, February 8, 2007

Here comes the sun...and I say, it's alright...

whenever I was feeling bad/blue, I used to play this song to make me feel better - or listen to it upon waking in the morning, right away, to ensure somewhat of a good start that would hopefully spill over onto the rest of the day...I haven't listened to it in awhile, a long while, but I think I need to ASAP...Beatles songs are perfect for that sort of thing, they just kind of make you feel better all around...anyway, I bring it up because I have been a terrible person this week, full of ANGER. Rage. Wrath. Envy. Self-pity. Blah blah blah. It's so boring to be negative, isn't it? So typical. Today, I reached my limit. I was all ready to throw in the towel and go home at noon, saying I didn't feel well. I just wanted to run and hide and lay in bed, pull the covers over my head for the rest of the day, maybe only popping out to watch The Office and ER tonight. This didn't happen though because I kept thinking: "You can run but you can't hide...because then the issue still remains - why in the hell have I been such a moody mess this week"?

But I'm here to announce:


Thank you to all who have been bearing with me through these difficult and challenging times.

I was just given a new "challenge" work-wise and I think that helped. A new project right now, possible new and bigger projects looming in the future with different people than I normally interact with, all ingredients for a new perspective. It broke the spell of doom that was hanging over my head and I just couldn't shake it.

So, with that in mind, I have a few steps to take:

1) Stop acting like such a bitch
2) If something is making me feel bad or sad or mad, do something about it, don't just sit there and whine "oh poor me"!
3) Have a drink with some friends, laugh a little, and lighten up.

I'll end with my new favorite quote:

A light in the darkness
A candle is a protest at midnight.
It is a non-conformist.
It says to the darkness,
I beg to differ.
Indian Proverb


  1. Cheers! Cheers! Here's to CANDLE POWER!!

    - Vox

  2. I KNEW Vox would like that quote! It's SO Voxian ... plus, I think it's used quite a bit to illustrate non-violent political protest which is also right up your alley...but it's also a good metaphor for all of us...keep burning that candle!!

  3. i say rock on Delirium, rock on.
    we must gather soon to discuss recent developments.
