Monday, June 12, 2006

Son of a BITCH!

I'm sick. I have bronchitis. Do you know how difficult it was for me to muster the energy to pack all weekend? Well it was difficult, let me tell you. And finish staining my furniture? Do you know how hard it is to breathe in fumes while not being able to breathe properly in the first place? It's really hard!! And if you think I'm trying to get your sympathies roused, well you'd be right about that! WAH WAH WAH!! EVERYONE FEEL SORRY FOR DELIRIUM! Don't you all worry though...I got through it. How? Because I'm a tough cookie, that's how. And by packing 3 boxes and then laying down for 30 minutes. Then going through Closet #1 and then laying down to watch the Mets CREAM Arizona. That sort of thing. And even more SON OF A BITCH! The Assholes who live downstairs moved out yesterday. SON OF A BITCH. I've put up with them and their ghetto-ness for the past 3 years and they finally get kicked out the very week I'm leaving? How to respond? You guessed it: SON OF A BITCH. Anyway, I do think Juicy Momma's echinacea remedy has lessened my illness somewhat but the facts are that I'm sick and I don't understand why this always happens right before something big happens to me and I need my energy the most. It happened before my last move, it happened before our PeopleSoft conversion last August and now this.

SON OF A BITCH. It just makes me feel better to say that.

More updates to come as the week progresses. I know you all will be pining, waiting for news..."is she okay? did she make it?" You are just going to have to wait and see.

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