Friday, November 25, 2005

Christmas Decorations

Okay, here is where Magpie and I are going to differ: I love Christmas, this is my favorite time of the year, I love the carols and songs, even the corny ones, and I love the fact that they decorate so beautifully in the lobby of my office building. I just had to note that because when I came in this morning, I got all excited because they were starting to put up the evergreen swags and red ribbons and the lights and that means I'm only that much closer to going home for vacation...I love going home at Christmas too, my mom and dad do a beautiful job of the lights outside and the beautiful tree with all our old ornamenets like Pinky Tuscadero and the apple-face Santa, the old fashioned wooden Santas and angels everywhere and so much of Christmas brings back really wonderful childhood memories so it makes me happy for that reason...I always remember it as a lot of family members around, people sleeping everywhere (Grandma Max on a cot under the dining room table), my sister and I having to sleep in my parents bed and we wouldn't go to sleep, just giggle a lot, Daddy telling us there was a fat man on our roof, dressing up and going to church, opening one big present, one small present on Christmas Eve, and how everyone seemed happy (although looking back on it now, most likely they had a bit to drink!), waking up the next morning super early to see the Santa gifts that appeared magically, creamed eggs on toast for breakfast and playing with toys the rest of the day, not even bothering to get dressed ... so that's why I love Christmas decorations!


  1. See, if I had xmas memories like that I would probably dig xmas, too...

  2. I was just about to write that post when I read yours about how this is your least favorite time of the year and I was like D'OH!!! Yes, it makes a difference to have good memories..and the fact that it was always a big deal in our family...Valentines Day - now thats a holiday I can't stand!

  3. You were TOLD earlier today (by me) to go off and write in your blog.

    I see you've chosen to completely ignore me.
