Thursday, May 5, 2005

A much needed day off...

Sorry all, for the lack of comments on this dear blog, I have been:

a. Very busy and stressed out at work with no time to do anything for boss was out for a week and I had a lot to has been a little too much too handle since I came back from vacation earlier in April. Plus,

b. I've been sick for the past week and a half, the same stupid respiratory infection that I had in was just tricking me into believing I was cured...cough cough...don't you all feel sorry for me? I want my mommy to make me a grilled cheese sandwich and hot cocoa and chicken noodle soup...or at least biscuits and water (ha ha, inside joke between me and Juicy Mama).

So my boss came back on Monday and I called in sick on Tuesday to recuperate. I slept in late and rested but then I had to go to a dentist appointment at 2...I love my dentist, she is this German woman who always has candles lit and flowers everywhere and she serves you tea if you want it and she's really into natural medicine and being healthy so she always has little tips for me - green tea, soy milk, stay away from over the counter medications, etc...her office is on 61st and Lexington, so after leaving her office, despite feeling not so well, it was too pretty a day so I bought a book at Borders down the block and walked over to Central Park and read and sat and peoplewatched for a while. I sat on a bench in front of the pond you see in the picture... everything's green now and the cherry trees and peonies are blooming and the tulips and daffodils are out too so it's so lovely and peaceful.

So all in all, I feel better...still coughing and a little weak, but well enough to go out to celebrate Cinco de Mayo more than 2 margaritas though...I shall not get drunk!! What's up for this weekend, you ask? On Saturday, I'm going to a baby shower for my friend Mitzi, kind of all day sort of party, and then Sunday, I may have to work, but after seeing the park on Tuesday, I would love to go up to the Bronx Botanical Garden and walk around while everything is starting to bloom...last year, we didn't really get a spring and I want to really enjoy it this year...because that's what it's all about, isn't it, appreciating every moment as it happens? I think so...
Posted by Hello

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