OMG! I understand they are meant for little girls, but COME ON UNIVERSE!!! Surely you knew that I was going to watch "Kimora:Life in the Fab Lane" last Sunday and surely you knew that I would spy these beds bought for Ming and Aoki and desire one with all my heart RIGHT THAT MINUTE!!!
I know, I know, they are for little girls...I really don't care...look at these beds, tell me you don't want one too..I dare you
And Universe, don't make the Airplane joke (don't call me Shirley)
Anyhow, as luck would have it, I'm ill, I'm going home to drink massive amounts of my homemade ginger immunity booster tea - I woke up Monday morning with my head swirling, like Alice down the rabbit hole, my throat and chest achy, my nose all stuffy and so I stayed in bed and called in sick to rest. Which I did but it's now 2 days later and my chest hurts more and I'm weary all over - this always seems to happen like a week after I fly anywhere - next trip, I'm trying that Airborne stuff and see if that helps me - at least I can be grateful enough that I felt blissful the whole time I was in Texas and I must counting my blessings that I wasn't sick there. Nothing was to get in the way of AdobeCar Time!!!
But I do look quite ugly, I look like that lady in those awful Halls ads I kept seeing in the subway all winter - I HATED these ads, for some reason, they pissed me off, I wanted to smack them, they made me feel icky just to look at them...and now...I look just like her...

UGH. Must get prettier soon.