I got a YAY! last night from my boss...wait, that sounds funny...I DID NOT mean it THAT way, get your minds out of the gutter...HRUMPH! Nope, I just mean all my hard work for our upgrade paid off and I do mean PAID OFF. So YAY!! It makes paying my NYC rent so much easier when I'm getting paid nicely and for this I am grateful. Now I can go and spend a little of it this weekend, maybe? Perhaps? And then I had a WOO HOO! moment this morning on the train - so close to being a YAYWOOHOOHURRAH but at this point I'll settle for a nice WOO HOO and wish for more - despite the fact that I felt ugly and not myself... I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache so bad I couldn't get back to sleep, sort of migraine-ish and so as I was rushing about getting ready for work (late as usual) I thought "this day is most likely going to blow but I'll have to do my best to duck my head down and just get through it" but the YAYs and the WOO HOOs are making me warm and fuzzy, just like a Bill Cosby sweater... so then, what's next? These things come in threes (so they say) so who or what will provide me with the final HURRAH moment? Come on, who out there is going to step up to the plate? I am totally due a HURRAH...