"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Friday, March 21, 2008
Save the Trees!
Stop all those dumb catalogs from arriving in your mailbox then! It's free, so go to http://www.catalogchoice.org/, register and then search for the catalogs you no longer want to receive - just click and DING DANG, y'all! They tell the company to remove you from the mailing list for you...simple eh? SO get to it then...

Today is Good Friday and I hope its been good to all of you out there...I'm at work, trying to fight off a baby cold with supergreen powder and OJ and berries in between the sneezes. Later there will be lots of sleep as part of the remedy so that I can go to yoga tomorrow and Sunday with no issues...and then onto Jany's to cheer her up after her sinus surgery - we shall have an Enchanted Evening for sure...guess what movie we will be watching? Also on tap is a stop at the Marmara Gallery to see this exhibit - http://www.marmara-manhattan.com/gallery/index.php - then maybe some lunchbrunch and such and that's really all to report other than I'm really happy listening to a cd right now called Volume 1 by She and Him...one of the things I love about the movie Elf is Zooey Deschanel
singing Baby It's Cold Outside - well she has finally joined up with this guy to form She and Him and they have a cd and its very much like Dusty Springfield - so if you like that sort of thing, take a listen if you can...also...my first Mets tix of the season have been purchased...the 2 $ TicketMaster Evan is back in action and I got 5 games in April all set...yay! Baseball time again, it really is spring...oooh and I forgot to mention the newest thing in my near future...a trip to Chicago in May! Something to look forward to, at long last...more details to come as they unfold...so stay tuned...

Friday, March 14, 2008
Tomorrow, I shall have class...
But not today - today, I shall be tacky and tasteless if I choose to be...hey you, pull my finger!! Yingle yingle!
But tomorrow is a different story, I shall be peaceful and mindful because of the class I'm taking:
Hatha Yoga and Mindfulness
"Yoga in Sanskrit means to yoke. Yoga unifies body and mind, gradually leading to the recognition that they are not separate. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment on purpose and without judgment, noticing things without expectation or regret. When you intentionally integrate the practices of mindfulness and Yoga, you can deepen your connection with yourself at a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level, cultivating a sense of stillness and acceptance of life as it is. The workshop will introduce the foundations of mindfulness and relate them to Hatha Yoga, providing an opportunity to go more deeply into your own experience."
So, OM SHANTI, BITCHES and Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, and all that jazz...
But tomorrow is a different story, I shall be peaceful and mindful because of the class I'm taking:
Hatha Yoga and Mindfulness
"Yoga in Sanskrit means to yoke. Yoga unifies body and mind, gradually leading to the recognition that they are not separate. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment on purpose and without judgment, noticing things without expectation or regret. When you intentionally integrate the practices of mindfulness and Yoga, you can deepen your connection with yourself at a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level, cultivating a sense of stillness and acceptance of life as it is. The workshop will introduce the foundations of mindfulness and relate them to Hatha Yoga, providing an opportunity to go more deeply into your own experience."
So, OM SHANTI, BITCHES and Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, and all that jazz...
Also, before I forget...Happy Anniversary to Snow White and Sneezy the Dwarf!! They've been living in the cottage in the heart of the forest for many years now and either it's Snow White's singing ("I'm wishing...for the one I love..." remember Mom singing that to us, Snow?) or is the sexy way Sneezy sneezes, but in the words of The Captain and Tenille, love has truly kept them together...
Someday your looks will be gone
When the others turn you off
Who'll be turning you on
When the others turn you off
Who'll be turning you on
I will, I will, I will, I will
Be there to share forever
Love will keep us together
Said it before and I'll say it again while others pretend
I'll need you now and I'll need you then
Stop 'cause I really love Ya
Stop I'll be thinking of Ya
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
Be there to share forever
Love will keep us together
Said it before and I'll say it again while others pretend
I'll need you now and I'll need you then
Stop 'cause I really love Ya
Stop I'll be thinking of Ya
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Once again, I get all caught up in LIFE and I don't post here and I forget about all the fun/interesting/cool/awful/terrific/ terrible things that happen to me ... that's the good thing about being regular with the bloggy - its not quite as personal as a journal would be, but it does keep you observant about yourself and your day to day life and I think that's important...that way, when stuff goes wrong or your feeling bad or whatever, you look back and say "hey, look how much fun I had on Sunday, why am I feeling so sorry for myself?" There's a good reason the phrase "know thyself" is at the oracle at Delphi ... a little reflection here and there, and the answers just come to you and you understand that all is well and where it should be.
Things have been busy, in a good, albeit rushed way - since I've last spoken to you, I've been to the Buddhist temple, gotten a hour long facial, had Indian food in the East Village, seen traditional Buddhist chanting at the Milk Gallery, bought cute Easter stuff at Michael's, had brunch in the West Village and talked about Poochie and other 80's things and the fact that Robert Downey Jr. is mysteriously playing a black man in a new Ben Stiller movie,
lived through a monsoon and icky negative vibes last Saturday, did many loads of laundry and threw out a bunch of stuff (you need to clear your space to make room for the new to come in - so say the Feng Shui masters) and most importantly and most fun of all, because I know the one and only Floating Head, scored free tickets to Madame Butterfly
at Lincoln Center, complete with free appetizers and wine and magic tricks - the guy made my ring disappear, bent a quarter, and guessed the cards that both FH and I picked. Right there, that was more than enough to keep us occupied. But then, we took our seats and not only were they free, but they were 5th row, center orchestra! HELLO! We could see up close and personal the smarmy charm of Pinkerton and we both gasped when Butterfly slit her throat at the end...I knew she killed herself, but I expected it to be a drawn out a bit, maybe an aria in there, but no...very beautiful and sad and a lesson to the ladies - don't lose yourself in the Pinkertons of the World - they'll take your little boy Sorrow away and marry a nice bland American girl and not care a bit about the consequences ... and by the by, it was opening night and they filmed it for PBS, so it will be broadcast on March 20th - http://www.pbs.org/previews/lflc-madamabutterfly/
Things have been busy, in a good, albeit rushed way - since I've last spoken to you, I've been to the Buddhist temple, gotten a hour long facial, had Indian food in the East Village, seen traditional Buddhist chanting at the Milk Gallery, bought cute Easter stuff at Michael's, had brunch in the West Village and talked about Poochie and other 80's things and the fact that Robert Downey Jr. is mysteriously playing a black man in a new Ben Stiller movie,

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