"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Monday, January 22, 2007
But Baby It's Cold Outside...
OOOH and Thursday, The Office!!! Jim finally admitted he still has feelings for Pam - BYE BYE KAREN! One of the better episodes lately, right Snow White? I'll be calling you to discuss all the Office events in the next day or two and also to say a happy belated birthday to my Jacob O because I'm a crappy auntie who didn't get a chance to call yet.
And I would be remiss if I did not mention that this Saturday was my parents 39th wedding anniversary...does this mean that next year I can hold a ruby wedding party for them and run into Mark Darcy, a la Bridget Jones? And stick my foot in mouth just like her of course but end up with the guy anyway ... stranger things have happened...(see I watched that movie for the millioneth time on Friday so I'm just reliving all those lovely Colin Firth moments, although he makes your toes curl the best in Pride and Prejudice - much more sullen and dour in an appealing way).
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Bushism of the Day
"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" Concord, New Hampshire, January 29, 2000
It's really so embarassing, isn't it? It's just pathetic...someone wake me when its over...
P.S. NEW OBSESSION: Thai Chili Sauce - steam or stir fry veggies and glop this on top - OMG - it's out of this world yummy...
Also, I forgot to mention: while Floating Head and I were in Philadelphia, A Mug Was Purchased. Yippee!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
In the Ladies Room...
Let's keep it real,
Let's keep it clean."
This will now replace the previous Ladies Room sign which made me giggle:
"If you sprinkle when you tinkle
Please be neat and wipe the seat!"
Colonial Good Times!

aw! a purple house on Elfreth's Alley for ME!!!
Just thought this was funny - this space not yet dedicated - maybe someday!
The Liberty Bell, complete with noted crack
Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was discussed and signed
Ben Franklin's grave (along with wife Deborah); people throw pennies on it in honor of his saying "a penny earned is a penny saved" and also for luck; also, the historical society collects it and makes several thousands which go to the preservation of the cemetary
You can't really see this, but this is the tavern we ate a very yummy dinner in - I had Lobster Pie and the staff all wears authentic colonial clothing and you are served with pewter goblets and old-fashioned utensils..needless to say, we were stuffed after this treat so we decided to nix the cheesesteak and come back another time because we have a whole list of things we didn't have time to check out. Turns out 2 days in Philly would just about do it...
Friday, January 12, 2007
You're the Funny Little Frog in My Throat
Yes, I'm taking a super cool daytrip where I can guarantee there will be yet another shot of Floating Head in Colonial Pose - perhaps near the Liberty Bell? We are taking a Historic Trolley Tour and want to walk around all the historical spots and share a REAL Philly Cheese Steak... I used to go to Philly all the time in my old job, but I never got to sightsee much - we went to the Big Market there and would walk around a bit but that's it... so I'm excited...I always feel a bit let down on long weekends when I have nothing to do, so I'm happy that Floating Head is always up for an adventure with me - she's good like that.
Now: I was sitting here listening to my radio at work and a Belle and Sebastian song was on - "Another Sunny Day" - when Vox emails me " Have you ever heard the song "Funny Little Frog", by Belle & Sebastian? I just heard the song, thought it was cute." - and that song is from the very album I'm listening to!!! So I immediately started the song and looked up the lyrics and guess what? It's an awesome song - isn't it?:
Honey lovin you is the greatest thing
I get to be myself and I get to sing
I get to play at being irresponsible
I come home late at night and I love your soul
I never forget you in my prayers
I never have a bad thing to report
You’re my picture on the wall
You’re my vision in the hall
You’re the one I’m talking to
When I get in from my work
You are my girl, and you don’t even know it
I am livin out the life of a poet
I am the jester in the ancient court
You’re the funny little frog in my throat
I had a conversation with you at night
It’s a little one sided but that’s allright
I tell you in the kitchen about my day
You sit on the bed in the dark changing places
With the ghost that was there before you came
You’ve come to save my life again
I don’t dare to touch your hand
I don’t dare to think of youIn a physical way
And I don’t know how you smell
You are the cover of my magazine
You’re my fashion tip, a living museum
I’d pay to visit you on rainy Sundays
I’ll maybe tell you all about it someday
I love little quirky incidents like these that happen for no reason but that seem to be a sign of synchonicity - because the other thing that Vox doesn't know is that I had just said in my head "right now a song is going to come on the radio that is going to make me smile" - and lo and behold, he sends me an email instructing me to play this song - ha!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Cemetary
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Steady, steady, steady, steady going nowhere...
In my head, the whole day long, has been the Fiona Apple song "Please Please Please".... why? Because I like it - the plea to keep things the same just because you are used to it and it's easy and familar. Well, that is the ANTI-sentiment for 2007...so I'm singing it in my head over and over to remind myself to not keep things steady, to wish for rocky moments at sea, to not let Life Stuff scare you...and here are the lyrics just in case you are wondering what in the heck I'm talking about:
No more maladies
I'm so tired of crying
You'd think I was a siren
But me and everybody's on the sad same team and
You can hear our sad brain screaming
Give us something familiar
Something similar
To what we know already
That will keep us steady
Steady, steady, steady, steady
Steady going nowhere
Please please please
No apologies
At best they buy you time
Until you next step out of line
Please please please
No more remedies
My method is uncertain
It's a mess but it's working
And maybe if you want to try it out
You won't like it when you're crying out
Give me something familiar
Somethin' similar
To what we know already
That will keep us steady
Steady, steady
Steady going nowhere
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Hurrah for Chuckles!
So my dad gave an interview to the reporter, then the reporter and a photographer came to the "good-bye" party at the bar and VOILA! Front page of the Nevada section of the Las Vegas Review-Journal!! Check out the "consumate storyteller" here: