All I want to say is that I'm groggy beyond belief and I'm trying desperately to salvage the day and get at least some little annoying stuff done. I've been incredibly lazy the past few days and I feel the need to atone...but I'm TOO SLEEPY to atone...
We went to Green-Wood Cemetary on Sunday and I've got some AWESOME spooky pictures I mean to post soon...other than that the only little bit o' news to report is that I got a raise and isn't that LOVELY and much needed...thanks to the Boss on that one :-)
Trick or Treat! I'll be home watching spooky spooky tv stuff like Ghost Hunters...Floating Head, if you are home, don't be scared by me sending you text messages for comfort and reassurance while we are both watching it!!
"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Belated Birthday Celebration!
My boss and co-worker just bought me lunch, gave me a super cute card and six awesome red velvet cupcakes complete with candles and a serenade...very sweet of you guys!!! And I just found out that another dude will be joining us soon, in the form of a web developer - thank god! We need more testosterone around here! It's funny because at one point, most of the co-workers I was dealing with were women and now - I guess because I deal more directly with IT now - I sometimes feel like the lone girl in the room, esp. after Magpie's departure...aw well, it's less hormonely challenging, if you know what I mean...too many girls in one small area is sometimes a really awful (read: MOODY) thing.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
You smell like a zoo...you look like a monkey...and you smell like one too!!!
Today is Mama J's birthday...yes, "Bubbles" or "Toni" as she likes to call herself was born on this date back in 19-- and aren't we all happy she's our Juicy-Grandma-Mommy? The answer is YES!!! She's an amazing lady - the most unselfish, most giving and caring person ever and I love her beyond words - I hope your day is happy happy joyce joy! Your gift is being picked up in an hour and fed-exed to you today so expect to have a good breakfast or snack tomorrow!!
Today is Mama J's birthday...yes, "Bubbles" or "Toni" as she likes to call herself was born on this date back in 19-- and aren't we all happy she's our Juicy-Grandma-Mommy? The answer is YES!!! She's an amazing lady - the most unselfish, most giving and caring person ever and I love her beyond words - I hope your day is happy happy joyce joy! Your gift is being picked up in an hour and fed-exed to you today so expect to have a good breakfast or snack tomorrow!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Snapalope Nightmare!

So now I'll give her something else to think I'm crazy about. I don't like those Slim Jim Snapalope commercials. I've had two nightmares about that THING. The first one, it was tiny and iridescent and I screamed for my dad to kill it and everytime he stepped on it to smush it, it rebounded bigger and bigger until it was the size of a small horse and was running after me!
The second one was last night and it was all brown and it was in my bedroom in the house I grew up in and it kept on hiding behind the furniture so I couldn't see where it was and again, I screamed for my dad to come and kill it and he kept on saying "oh it's no big deal, we're moving in a couple of weeks so if we don't find it you don't have to sleep in here much longer" and I begged him to find it and kill it - but we couldn't find it!! So I woke up with a bit of scream at 5 this morning, convinced that that stupid thing was running around my bedroom... DAMN YOU SLIM JIM!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Senior Database Analyst
That's me. Everyone always asks me what I do. This is my job description according to some IT/HRIT website:
The Database Analyst’s role is to direct, evaluate, review, and manage database resources and services across the organization while ensuring high levels of data quality. This individual is also responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing database policies and procedures to ensure the integrity and availability of databases and their accompanying software. Where required, the Database Analyst will design, install, monitor, maintain, and performance tune production databases.
Now you get it! That's...what I do..(no, not make change, a la the Change Bank!)
The Database Analyst’s role is to direct, evaluate, review, and manage database resources and services across the organization while ensuring high levels of data quality. This individual is also responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing database policies and procedures to ensure the integrity and availability of databases and their accompanying software. Where required, the Database Analyst will design, install, monitor, maintain, and performance tune production databases.
Now you get it! That's...what I do..(no, not make change, a la the Change Bank!)
Inside Mervyn Joke #1
When you commented "It's Santori time!" on my post earlier, I meant to comment:
"TOO DRUNK TO CARE!!" and then of course you'd picture a weird drunk medieval type clown or jester raising a goblet high! In fact, I meant to do that to you several times while you were here, but I forgot...so many jokes to make, so little time kind of thing...someday, we'll just meet up with a laptop and internet service and go over the Engrish site together and giggle...that's my dream...
"TOO DRUNK TO CARE!!" and then of course you'd picture a weird drunk medieval type clown or jester raising a goblet high! In fact, I meant to do that to you several times while you were here, but I forgot...so many jokes to make, so little time kind of thing...someday, we'll just meet up with a laptop and internet service and go over the Engrish site together and giggle...that's my dream...
Dispatches from The On The Wagon World
I feel much better, let me tell you. According to Chucky - "The Da" - I've been drunk for over a week, so what do I expect? Doc says to stay drunk, so that's what I did. I did have a glass of white wine on Saturday night whilst having Greek food - yummy swordfish and lemon potatoes in Astoria - but that was it - I think I just lucked out that Quick Draw wasn't quite up to par! But the bloating, the acidy stomach, the icky unhealthy feeling I get whenever I go on a drinking spree, is gone - but hey, I had FUN! And rightfully so, this IS birth month. I get to be happy as pie and do what makes me smile. And so I have. Birthday Shield activated in the form of a wine bottle. The Boss has been out for a almost two weeks ill and has returned and he lamented that he missed my birthday and apologized and vowed to do something this week - and I said "not to worry - I've done enough celebrating"! Good for you! was his reply and yes - GOOD FOR ME! Now it's back to work.
Sunday, I spent the whole day and evening with the Stanley family, who might soon be moving upstate - which I was going to be unhappy about but I don't see them much as it is and at least now I will have a retreat, somewhere when I'm feeling burnt out, I can go and visit them for the weekend and get away from the city. And I spent a lot of time playing with Mr. James who kept on calling me "My Nikki" which melted my heart.
Now, to matters at hand. The Master Plan. I spent last week feeling ugly and weary and not up to the challenge - self esteem and confidence have a lot to do with my MP. But. I believe the chess board has been reset, crucial moves are being made (or about to be made - this morning: SO CLOSE - I'm a dork, but I can't help it) and so what I need is a collective gush of POSITIVE VIBES sent my way. This is your assignment and believe me, I'll give you all full credit should my idea come to fruition. Call it my version of a novena or a mass being said in support of me and my project. So for the next week, I'm calling on all of you dear readers to send those vibes and GIVE ME A BOOST!
Woo! I just felt one. Thanks already!!!
Sunday, I spent the whole day and evening with the Stanley family, who might soon be moving upstate - which I was going to be unhappy about but I don't see them much as it is and at least now I will have a retreat, somewhere when I'm feeling burnt out, I can go and visit them for the weekend and get away from the city. And I spent a lot of time playing with Mr. James who kept on calling me "My Nikki" which melted my heart.
Now, to matters at hand. The Master Plan. I spent last week feeling ugly and weary and not up to the challenge - self esteem and confidence have a lot to do with my MP. But. I believe the chess board has been reset, crucial moves are being made (or about to be made - this morning: SO CLOSE - I'm a dork, but I can't help it) and so what I need is a collective gush of POSITIVE VIBES sent my way. This is your assignment and believe me, I'll give you all full credit should my idea come to fruition. Call it my version of a novena or a mass being said in support of me and my project. So for the next week, I'm calling on all of you dear readers to send those vibes and GIVE ME A BOOST!
Woo! I just felt one. Thanks already!!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Yes, they lost. But they fought the good fight, and that's why I love them...the game was awesome to watch, that 6th inning catch by Endy Chavez - amazing - and I thank them for giving me (and all of their fans) such a great year. They are all guys of character, were as gracious in their loss as they've been in their victories (the same cannot be said I've heard to those Cardinal thugs), but my guys have heart, they gave 110%, and all we can do is hope next year takes them to the next step...I can't believe I have to wait until April to watch games every night!!! BOO HOO!!!
But we had an awesome time watching it over at the Chia Pet's pad, we ate sushi and drank A LOT of wine and I insisted "I'm not drunk" but hell if I was - Floating Head escorted me into a cab and homeward bound - it was all a little fuzzy so I asked her today "did you take advantage of me?" ha ha!! I don't how I got into work today, but I did...
and that's all I have to say...I don't FEEL WELL (er, hungover?). As of today, I'm on the wagon. I've had WAY too much to drink these past few weeks - I know, it's birth month - but my liver needs a rest and it's just not good practice to imbibe so much...so Quick Draw, I can't see you ever again (ha ha...you know I'm hanging out with her tomorrow, so we'll see where that goes).
Happy weekend!
But we had an awesome time watching it over at the Chia Pet's pad, we ate sushi and drank A LOT of wine and I insisted "I'm not drunk" but hell if I was - Floating Head escorted me into a cab and homeward bound - it was all a little fuzzy so I asked her today "did you take advantage of me?" ha ha!! I don't how I got into work today, but I did...
and that's all I have to say...I don't FEEL WELL (er, hungover?). As of today, I'm on the wagon. I've had WAY too much to drink these past few weeks - I know, it's birth month - but my liver needs a rest and it's just not good practice to imbibe so much...so Quick Draw, I can't see you ever again (ha ha...you know I'm hanging out with her tomorrow, so we'll see where that goes).
Happy weekend!
Thursday, October 19, 2006

How would you like to be a 25 year old rookie pitching this game?? Where does he get the nerve and the poise? But John Maine did it, and he was amazing and now, we all have fingers crossed for tonight...I wish I could be there and if they do go to the World Series, I hope the Ticket Master can get tickets...last Friday was sooooo much fun, despite the loss - we got a little drunk I must say (darn that smuggled whiskey!) and I lost my voice from screaming and yelling so much, but it was really exciting to be there and cheering and I'd gladly pay a lot of money to do it again!
Friday, October 13, 2006
WOO HOO!! My boys are off to a grand start and now I'm off to Game 2! It's freezing here - thank god, finally, summer is completely over, I actually wore a scarf and leather jacket today and I've brought gloves and another scarf to keep me warm tonight in the 50 degree evening... as well as a "forbidden" beverage that I'm smuggling...a little something to sip on to keep out the chill, if you know what I mean... beer will be too cold for us tonight! And I've had a very stressful two days with The Boss still out sick (although we've been on the phone or IM a whole lot) but I got through it by myself and hopefully he'll return and come to my rescue on Monday. But I am proud of myself yet again - we had a huge systems/website issue and I figured it out and I love it when I get to do that - I let out a WOO HOO! when that happens and when The Boss is here, he makes fun of me for it, and says laughingly that he likes my "youthful exuberance"! HA! I just like that all of this is like a puzzle and once you find the right piece, you can finish or do anything you want to and I'm basically teaching myself all of this so I think that's cool. Anyway..
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Moules a Go-Go
So I got rained out last night...that's okay, my ticket for the Mets game is good for Friday... we did get all the way out to Shea only to be told the game was postponed, but I did manage to buy a super cool Mets hat, black, with a green Mets logo - as The Chia Pet told me, now I look like a REAL NY Mets fan when I wear it. And indeed I do. So we were all looking forward to that stadium beer and hot dog so much that we decided to head on over to Petite Abeille for Moules a Go-Go - all you can eat steamed mussels and 1 Stella for 17.95 - AWESOME!! Daddy Chuckles, come to NYC soon and we'll go there - you'd think you were in heaven...I had 2 pots of mussels and 3 Stellas...not a bad evening after all, despite no baseball.
Tonight, I'm going to see Wicked on Broadway (a gift for my birthday) and then tomorrow is the game (no rain please!!) and I'll get to wear my new hat finally! And then Saturday, I"m going to the Super Haunted House you see advertised so creepily on the subway and then some drinks and dinner afterward so that we can giggle away any lingering ugly scary thoughts the House may give us... Sunday - I REST!
Tonight, I'm going to see Wicked on Broadway (a gift for my birthday) and then tomorrow is the game (no rain please!!) and I'll get to wear my new hat finally! And then Saturday, I"m going to the Super Haunted House you see advertised so creepily on the subway and then some drinks and dinner afterward so that we can giggle away any lingering ugly scary thoughts the House may give us... Sunday - I REST!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Best Week Ever
Well I just wanted to say thanks to all those who participated in making this Delirium's Best Week Ever... I truly appreciate all of you and your friendship and the way you took care of me this past week - I love you all! Thanks especially to Veronica and Larissa, you made this birthday very special just by visiting me and forcing me to have 5 days of continuous fun. And most of all, for the gift of the Massive Attack tickets, that show was so FREAKING AWESOME, I can't believe I was lucky enough to be there... so hugs and kisses in all the directions, to all the peeps, you know who you are!
So just a rundown on things that occurred in the way of fun last week: when I last left you all, I was at work and the Boss was ill and it turns out, he has pneumonia and will be out for awhile - so while he's out, I RULE THE SCHOOL. Yeah, right. So back to where I left off, Merv and I went to Chinatown for a super yummy Vietnamese dinner full of stuffs I've never had before - pure coconut drink and this soup with super thin slices of rare beef that cook the minute the hot broth is poured over them...then on Thursday, we got Larissa from the airport, got her settled and then walked around Midtown and Central Park (hula hoop!) and then to Thai food before heading to Roseland for the show... and the SHOW. It was simply amazing, they were awesome live and REALLY INTENSE. I felt the bass so hard in my throat and legs, I felt like I was going to throw up, seriously. They have two drummers that were amazing and I just expected it to be a much more mellow affair but was I wrong... we were really close to the stage too and to the right so that we could see Neil and Horace Andy hanging out backstage, waiting to go on... so cool...so it was so intense that afterwards, we needed to decompress, even though it was close to 12 and we should have been tired...so we headed out to a little French place "Tout Va Bien" where we shared a bottle of wine and some yummy cheeses and scallops and tried to use our French ears to eavesdrop on the owner and waiter and they plied us with some free alcohol - aren't they sweet? Friday was filled with bagels, The Cloisters, and a walk down memory lane at Barnard and Columbia - aw the bench I used to sit at and read! Aw, my old window! Aw, Barnard Hall - and a turkey burger and Broadway shake at Tom's for old times sake, St. John the Divine, the Clarks again for more vodka cocktails and then a massive migraine so home to bed! Saturday, we met Young for brunch at Five Points and then went wine tasting, then to a street fair where some cutesy purchases were purchased and then a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and some vanilla ice cream on the pier once there. Then to the Village for margaritas and tacos and a final dinner before they had to leave to return to Texas... but they'll be back, I suspect...
Sunday was my actual birthday and we went up to the Cloisters for my medieval festival (yes held in honor of my birthday!) but it was super crowded so we only stayed for 2 hours or so and headed back down to the Village for - you guessed it - margaritas! And tequila shots and fajitas and then home home home to sleep sleep sleep...
Now I'm off to meet Beans for dinner (she's here for a quick visit) and I'm starving and I believe we are off to Smorgaschef - one of our prior supper club winners - woo hoo!
So just a rundown on things that occurred in the way of fun last week: when I last left you all, I was at work and the Boss was ill and it turns out, he has pneumonia and will be out for awhile - so while he's out, I RULE THE SCHOOL. Yeah, right. So back to where I left off, Merv and I went to Chinatown for a super yummy Vietnamese dinner full of stuffs I've never had before - pure coconut drink and this soup with super thin slices of rare beef that cook the minute the hot broth is poured over them...then on Thursday, we got Larissa from the airport, got her settled and then walked around Midtown and Central Park (hula hoop!) and then to Thai food before heading to Roseland for the show... and the SHOW. It was simply amazing, they were awesome live and REALLY INTENSE. I felt the bass so hard in my throat and legs, I felt like I was going to throw up, seriously. They have two drummers that were amazing and I just expected it to be a much more mellow affair but was I wrong... we were really close to the stage too and to the right so that we could see Neil and Horace Andy hanging out backstage, waiting to go on... so cool...so it was so intense that afterwards, we needed to decompress, even though it was close to 12 and we should have been tired...so we headed out to a little French place "Tout Va Bien" where we shared a bottle of wine and some yummy cheeses and scallops and tried to use our French ears to eavesdrop on the owner and waiter and they plied us with some free alcohol - aren't they sweet? Friday was filled with bagels, The Cloisters, and a walk down memory lane at Barnard and Columbia - aw the bench I used to sit at and read! Aw, my old window! Aw, Barnard Hall - and a turkey burger and Broadway shake at Tom's for old times sake, St. John the Divine, the Clarks again for more vodka cocktails and then a massive migraine so home to bed! Saturday, we met Young for brunch at Five Points and then went wine tasting, then to a street fair where some cutesy purchases were purchased and then a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and some vanilla ice cream on the pier once there. Then to the Village for margaritas and tacos and a final dinner before they had to leave to return to Texas... but they'll be back, I suspect...
Sunday was my actual birthday and we went up to the Cloisters for my medieval festival (yes held in honor of my birthday!) but it was super crowded so we only stayed for 2 hours or so and headed back down to the Village for - you guessed it - margaritas! And tequila shots and fajitas and then home home home to sleep sleep sleep...
Now I'm off to meet Beans for dinner (she's here for a quick visit) and I'm starving and I believe we are off to Smorgaschef - one of our prior supper club winners - woo hoo!
Quote for the Day
Seen on a church by Washington Square Park...and so very appropriate for our country right now and the Manipulators Who Run It:
"Evil is unspectacular
And always human,
And shares our bed and eats
At our table"
- W.H. Auden
On a lesser note this morning, I suck. I'm a big chicken fraidy cat who had a BRILLIANT opportunity and didn't use it. I WAS SO CLOSE. PHASE 3 WOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND I COULD HAVE MOVED ON TO PHASE 4. When I was about 10 years old, I had a Barbie perfume maker and used it to make perfumes, yes, but also what I considered to be potions and one afternoon, Becky Sennes and I made a Bravery Potion and went out in front of my house and tried to sell it to cars passing by... BOY, do I wish I still had the recipe, because I need it... the words were in my throat and they just got stuck there. FUCK. Okay. Maybe tomorrow. The real issue is, I may run out of tomorrows and then I'll have regret and that would be tragic. SO GET OVER IT NIK AND GET YOUR BUTT IN THE GAME.
I've officially been talked off the ledge. HA.
Now: The Ticketmaster has just phoned me with an extra ticket to tomorrows Mets vs. St. Louis game - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Evil is unspectacular
And always human,
And shares our bed and eats
At our table"
- W.H. Auden
On a lesser note this morning, I suck. I'm a big chicken fraidy cat who had a BRILLIANT opportunity and didn't use it. I WAS SO CLOSE. PHASE 3 WOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND I COULD HAVE MOVED ON TO PHASE 4. When I was about 10 years old, I had a Barbie perfume maker and used it to make perfumes, yes, but also what I considered to be potions and one afternoon, Becky Sennes and I made a Bravery Potion and went out in front of my house and tried to sell it to cars passing by... BOY, do I wish I still had the recipe, because I need it... the words were in my throat and they just got stuck there. FUCK. Okay. Maybe tomorrow. The real issue is, I may run out of tomorrows and then I'll have regret and that would be tragic. SO GET OVER IT NIK AND GET YOUR BUTT IN THE GAME.
I've officially been talked off the ledge. HA.
Now: The Ticketmaster has just phoned me with an extra ticket to tomorrows Mets vs. St. Louis game - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 9, 2006
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