So today is Wednesday, and there is a flu bug about Snow White's cottage in the woods...first Jacob had it on Saturday night and now Snow White and Prince Charming have it and Allie and I are knocking on wood that we aren't the next victims....stay tuned for the vomit alert!
So I arrived on Friday and since then I've had lots of fun and cuddles and am currently being licked and slobbered on by both puppies - one just tongued my calf as I'm typing this - EW!! But it means they love me (so I was told). Or I've got salty skin and they just like the way I taste. Anyway, we went to the North Idaho County Fair on Saturday and ate beef jerky, corn dogs, snow cones and curly fries and went on rides and saw lots of horses, sheep, goats and chickens. Sunday we went to Greenbluff, Washington and had fresh peach smoothies, went wine tasting and bought some Huckleberry Blush, and went to different farms to pick blackberries and peaches - yum! No cherries alas, it seems I missed the cherry season here.
Monday we went to Silverwood, a theme park with rides and games and such and it also has a water park where we spent most of the day - either in the Lazy River or the Wave Pool. I did go down "The Tube of DARKNESS!" which was slightly scary and thrilling all at once and which gave me a bit of a bathing suit wedgie, it was so fast. I only went on one rollercoaster though, because they make me motion sick, but the Corkscrew was only 15 seconds, even though it does go upside down twice so I braved it.
Yesterday we rested, did a little shopping and errand-running and read and hung out and then Aunt Judy came over for dinner and we did puppet shows - don't worry, there will be plenty of pics when I get back so you'll see "action shots" of all of this. I've been reading Allie's Lemony Snickett books while I've been here (so far I'm on #4) and now I'm hooked. I think today I can get through a few of them since I doubt we are going anywhere because of the Sickies...
Signing off for now...
P.S. A special note for Floating Head: I just wanted to let you know that I bought a super cute, on sale so therefore CHEAP, pair of Kenneth Cole shoes here that you would approve of. They have a high wedge heel and a strap going across and then a velvet flower on the side where the strap attaches!
"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Later DUDES!!
I'm off for a week to the Pacific Northwest to do some Mutton Bustin' as of tomorrow, so have a fab week without me...I'll try to post while I'm there and there will definitely be pictures when I get back!!
I'm heading on my trip in an okay mood - I certainly am ending the week better than I started it! It started with me being a tad sad over something that I thought might have ended before it ever even started and the ensuing disappointment over that. On Tuesday, it all picked up because I think that I received confirmation from That Person to continue on with my plans and Magpie says, the GAME may be AFOOT! I hope so, I really hope ... when I come back from vacation, I think I need to be very aggressive about this or I may lose my shot at greatness, so to speak...(or tallness as it were).
Speaking of Magpie, it's the last day she and I will work together. Yes, Magpie flies again! Who will get just as excited as me to see ETL? Who will call me and say come downstairs, now, he's here! Who will I bitch to over the Stupid People in The Office? Who is going to go to the tuck shop with me and make a million trips to get coffee? See you when I get back, Magpie, I refuse to say the words GOOD BYE! And to paraphrase a fairly good haiku poet, my door is always open to you, should you need to walk through it!
I'm heading on my trip in an okay mood - I certainly am ending the week better than I started it! It started with me being a tad sad over something that I thought might have ended before it ever even started and the ensuing disappointment over that. On Tuesday, it all picked up because I think that I received confirmation from That Person to continue on with my plans and Magpie says, the GAME may be AFOOT! I hope so, I really hope ... when I come back from vacation, I think I need to be very aggressive about this or I may lose my shot at greatness, so to speak...(or tallness as it were).
Speaking of Magpie, it's the last day she and I will work together. Yes, Magpie flies again! Who will get just as excited as me to see ETL? Who will call me and say come downstairs, now, he's here! Who will I bitch to over the Stupid People in The Office? Who is going to go to the tuck shop with me and make a million trips to get coffee? See you when I get back, Magpie, I refuse to say the words GOOD BYE! And to paraphrase a fairly good haiku poet, my door is always open to you, should you need to walk through it!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I want to go meemers!
Not sure how Merv actually spells that, but that's what she used to call going to sleep! For the billionth time recently, I went to bed super tired and ready for a full night's sleep at about 11pm and when do I wake up, wide eyed and unable to fall back asleep? 4 am! NOT FUNNY, OH GODS OF SLEEP! I finally got out of bed at 5 am and made some coffee and breakfast and watched "Live Forever" a documentary about all the British 90's music that I still love the best - so I go lots of Damon Albarn interview snippets, so that made being up that early not such a bad thing except that they paid too much attention to Oasis, one of my least favorite bands of that period...

Monday, August 21, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Shirley's Birthday

Last week we celebrated Shirley's birthday at her mother's apt. (her mother cooked the most delicious Arroz con Pollo!!) and so I got to hang out with some old co-workers and friends...
From left to right, Collin, Greg, Steve, Lucia, Shirley, Andres (Evan and Deb sitting on the floor), Me, Norma, Tiff, and Mark
My Horoscope for the Week of Aug. 17th
I love reading my horoscope courtesy of Free Will Astrology (see my links to check your own)each week, but this week I found it particularly true, because on Tuesday night, my sleepless night, I had a similar talk with myself at 5 in the morning and so for this to be my horoscope for this coming week, well that just confirms the truth of it - this so states what I'm feeling right now:
"Novelist Jeanette Winterson told a TV interviewer about her mother's strongest belief: "You can be happy, or else you can be like normal people." This idea applies to you right now, Libra--maybe more than you realize. From what I can tell, you're at a crossroads in your relationship with happiness. You could go either way, and it's mostly up to you: Will you tame your urges for wild joy, repress your instincts to follow your lyrically crazy heart, and surrender to the dull insanity of the maddening crowd? Or would you prefer the scarier, more eccentric and action-packed route that will constantly push you to enlarge your capacity to feel good? "
"Novelist Jeanette Winterson told a TV interviewer about her mother's strongest belief: "You can be happy, or else you can be like normal people." This idea applies to you right now, Libra--maybe more than you realize. From what I can tell, you're at a crossroads in your relationship with happiness. You could go either way, and it's mostly up to you: Will you tame your urges for wild joy, repress your instincts to follow your lyrically crazy heart, and surrender to the dull insanity of the maddening crowd? Or would you prefer the scarier, more eccentric and action-packed route that will constantly push you to enlarge your capacity to feel good? "
I'm so excited!
because I am going to the Renaissance Faire on Saturday!!! Do you know how much I LOVE Renaissance Faires? First of all, you should know that I was born in the wrong century. Or if you believe in past lives, I am just missing the life I lived in 16th century Scotland/Ireland/England. HA!! That's why I love all that stuff so much: the costumes, the jewelry, the swords, the Knights in Shining Armor...the men in ponytails...sigh...
Then, because we are renting a car to go up there, we are possibly driving somewhere else on Sunday - maybe the beach again? LOVELY.
And - tomorrow: BLOCKHEAD FRIDAYS REUNION! We have missed Justin, oops! I mean Vox so much that we have scheduled this Conspiracy Corner Get-Together (minus the Magpie) - that is just one more thing to be happy about, besides the PERFECT weather here lately...I just sat outside for almost an hour, drinking my OJ just so I didn't have to go back inside...well I was sitting outside to spy, but that's another story, not for bloggie consumption...
because I am going to the Renaissance Faire on Saturday!!! Do you know how much I LOVE Renaissance Faires? First of all, you should know that I was born in the wrong century. Or if you believe in past lives, I am just missing the life I lived in 16th century Scotland/Ireland/England. HA!! That's why I love all that stuff so much: the costumes, the jewelry, the swords, the Knights in Shining Armor...the men in ponytails...sigh...
Then, because we are renting a car to go up there, we are possibly driving somewhere else on Sunday - maybe the beach again? LOVELY.
And - tomorrow: BLOCKHEAD FRIDAYS REUNION! We have missed Justin, oops! I mean Vox so much that we have scheduled this Conspiracy Corner Get-Together (minus the Magpie) - that is just one more thing to be happy about, besides the PERFECT weather here lately...I just sat outside for almost an hour, drinking my OJ just so I didn't have to go back inside...well I was sitting outside to spy, but that's another story, not for bloggie consumption...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Vox Revealed!
That's me...Does anyone else besides my mom use that to indicate that they are tired? Maybe it's just my family...
I went to bed at 11pm last night, only to wake up at 3:30am, wide awake and not able to lie in bed anymore...damn IT! I was sleeping very soundly so I'm not sure why I woke up, but DAMN IT. All was not lost because I decided to go to the couch and watch some tv to see if that would help and lo and behold, there was a movie on that I've always meant to rent on IFC, The Wisdom of Crocodiles with Jude Law (before he became cheesy). I missed the first half hour of it, but it was on until 5am so I had to see it through to the end and I still wasn't falling asleep anyway...I think around 7 I conked out and then of course - woke up late! Which means I got to work late. But OH WELL. Looks like I'll be crashing around 8pm tonight - I'm soooooooooooo sleepy. It's looking to be one of those days.
Anyway. On to the massive amounts of coffee and work work work.
I went to bed at 11pm last night, only to wake up at 3:30am, wide awake and not able to lie in bed anymore...damn IT! I was sleeping very soundly so I'm not sure why I woke up, but DAMN IT. All was not lost because I decided to go to the couch and watch some tv to see if that would help and lo and behold, there was a movie on that I've always meant to rent on IFC, The Wisdom of Crocodiles with Jude Law (before he became cheesy). I missed the first half hour of it, but it was on until 5am so I had to see it through to the end and I still wasn't falling asleep anyway...I think around 7 I conked out and then of course - woke up late! Which means I got to work late. But OH WELL. Looks like I'll be crashing around 8pm tonight - I'm soooooooooooo sleepy. It's looking to be one of those days.
Anyway. On to the massive amounts of coffee and work work work.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Small Treasures
So, Sunday turned out to be super fun, filled with all the things I love most - jewelry hunting, mangos and coconuts, two new Juicy Tubes, a tiny good luck turtle (fake, not real), seeing our Cute British Curtain Salesman that we always talk to at street fairs, margaritas, walking around the city, sweet and spicy chai teas sipped while sitting outside, and a new cool perfume that is perfect for me.
The Perfume: "Cast A Spell" by Lulu Guinness
Inspired by fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Cast a Spell is infused with a touch of wickedness, and glittery, frosted, enchanted forests, magic love potions, the richness of Baroque art, and the dance between light and dark, coolness and warmth.
Notes: Dark Berries, Frosted Blackberry Pulp, Mulberry, Red Currant, Iced Lavender, Lilac Petals, Davana Blossoms, Black Velvet Fig, Amber, Bourbon, White Patchouli.
Style: Intoxicating. Intriguing. Captivating.
red fake cinnabar earrings, a lovely pop of color when wearing all black
black onyx ring

super cute headband which looks doubly cute when worn with hair in ponytail or french twist

and last but not least, the much sought-after rose quartz ring!
The Perfume: "Cast A Spell" by Lulu Guinness
Inspired by fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Cast a Spell is infused with a touch of wickedness, and glittery, frosted, enchanted forests, magic love potions, the richness of Baroque art, and the dance between light and dark, coolness and warmth.
Notes: Dark Berries, Frosted Blackberry Pulp, Mulberry, Red Currant, Iced Lavender, Lilac Petals, Davana Blossoms, Black Velvet Fig, Amber, Bourbon, White Patchouli.
Style: Intoxicating. Intriguing. Captivating.

red fake cinnabar earrings, a lovely pop of color when wearing all black

black onyx ring

super cute headband which looks doubly cute when worn with hair in ponytail or french twist

and last but not least, the much sought-after rose quartz ring!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
You'll be happy to know that the bad mood passed without incident...ha! Ate Cuban food in Forest Hills after work on Friday and only needed one glass of wine to "self medicate" myself right out of the crappy mood I was in...this was followed by spending most of the day yesterday in the Beauty Salon getting my hair cut and colored - no highlights!! My hair has gotten super long and especially in this heat, it's been super heavy and hot so she left it long, but cut it in such a way that it lightens the weight of it somewhat, with lots of layers and angles so that it has "movement". Also, the bright blonde highlights were making it look overprocessed and too dry so I had her just dye it close to my natural light brown but a really lovely warm golden brown which I really like and I think my hair looks healthier. So there...sometimes you just need a little bit of pampering (in this case 3 hours worth). Now today I think it's off to a street fair or two or possibly the Dragon Boat festival in Queens and that's all to report - I know, not very interesting, but I knew you all were wondering "how did that bad mood of hers turn out?" and I just wanted to reassure you that all is well and I'm back to feeling quite smiley.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
I'm sad...
That's the general feeling at the moment..sad. Because about a month or so ago, I feel like I lost a friend and I hate losing friends. There are some friendships or acquaintances that come and ago and based on their value, its generally okay - people lose touch or stop having things in common or never had anything except maybe work to talk about and when you stop being co-workers, the friendship or bond that you have dissolves. And those are okay - that's life. That type of person usually just slides out of your life and at some point it seems as if they were never there at all. But this friend was very valuable to me and someone I cared very deeply for and somehow, they slipped away - it doesn't matter whether or not it's my fault or the other person's fault, what matters is that the friendship, and the bond, and the general caring about that person is missed and there is a void because of their absence and so I'm sad
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Found: Great poem on the subway this morning
An Old Cracked Tune
My name is Solomon Levi,
the desert is my home,
my mother's breast was thorny,
and father I had none.
The sands whispered, Be separate,
the stones taught me, Be hard.
I dance, for the joy of surviving,
on the edge of the road.
-Stanley Kunitz
My name is Solomon Levi,
the desert is my home,
my mother's breast was thorny,
and father I had none.
The sands whispered, Be separate,
the stones taught me, Be hard.
I dance, for the joy of surviving,
on the edge of the road.
-Stanley Kunitz
Monday, August 7, 2006
Some Pics and My Weekend
Went to the beach early early early on Saturday and relaxed there til the afternoon and that was lovely - the first time my toes have been in the ocean all year! Then we had Malaysian food (yummy coconut rice and shrimp) and saw Talladega Nights - The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - which was HYSTERICAL. Not Borat hysterical (although Borat plays the French rival) but still PRETTY HILARIOUS. Then I had a migraine for most of yesterday so I think I basically slept as much as I could to get rid of it..I think that vacation to The Idaho Potatoes is DEFINITELY in order! Speaking of the Potatoes, see these cutie pie pics Snow White just emailed me: 

Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Hell on Earth
Well it's so hot that they are closing our building down for the day and we get to go home...the only trouble is it's the middle of the day and so extremely hot that I'm dreading the subway ride home...this week, I've been waiting until 7 or so to head home so at least the trains aren't so packed and hot and steamy and the air is bit cooler outside but I just want to go home now! Can I teleport? Can Trump come and copter me home?
Another note of weirdness: I've been going to bed super early every night, like at 10 or 11 (bear in mind that I used to go to sleep closer to 2am and wake up at 8:30) but instead of sleeping my normal 8 hours, I've been waking up between 4:30 and 5:30, and I'm wide awake and I can't go back to sleep. I know I need more than 6 hours of sleep a night, so what's up with that? I'm really tired during the day (part of it is the heat) because of this and I'm sick of it. Sick, I tell you! Ah,'s nice being up so early so I suppose I'll get used to it...
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
Trudging on, curse words at the ready, out into the heat we go!
Another note of weirdness: I've been going to bed super early every night, like at 10 or 11 (bear in mind that I used to go to sleep closer to 2am and wake up at 8:30) but instead of sleeping my normal 8 hours, I've been waking up between 4:30 and 5:30, and I'm wide awake and I can't go back to sleep. I know I need more than 6 hours of sleep a night, so what's up with that? I'm really tired during the day (part of it is the heat) because of this and I'm sick of it. Sick, I tell you! Ah,'s nice being up so early so I suppose I'll get used to it...
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
Trudging on, curse words at the ready, out into the heat we go!
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Silver Lining - FOUND!
The silver lining lies in the Land of Famous Potatoes! That's right, I'm talking about Idaho, the panhandle to be precise, outside of Spokane, Washington, where the little cottage in the woods where Snow White, Prince Charming (Dan Sandwich), and Two Little Smooshie Dwarves live...along with a cat and two puppies and the Evil Queen Aunt Judy...ha ha... no, maybe she can be a dwarf too... anyway I'll be heading out to fight with some swords and play pirates and exclaim "arrgh, it's driving me nuts!" with Jacob O. and do magic tricks and put on a show with the Allie Gator and hang out with the Family at the end of the month, so I'm happy as pie about that... I think I got a little homesick over the past week... on Sunday night, my cousin Jason called me from my Mom and Dad's and he and his family were visiting and I wished that I was there with them having a good time, telling the usual funny family tales and such and then Snow White had to tease me about the cooler Northwest air and so I thought...a vacation is in order! Yippee!!!
Okay, back to the hotness that is my office!
Okay, back to the hotness that is my office!
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