Well there is none...it's just plain old hot. Which is fine if you are outside, but I'm not, I'm stuck inside and I feel sick it's so hot. Will they let me go home soon???
It's easier to deal with the heat when you are doing fun things, a la this weekend. Such as: dinner at my favorite Thai place in Astoria on Friday complete with my favorite little peanut dumplings. Then I saw Lady in the Water on Saturday (which I totally liked, it's like a grown up fairy tale and there were lots of funny bits b/c M. Night is not taking himself too seriously here, it's supposed to be a FUN movie, an adult bedtime story kind of thing), went to Trader Joe's Wine Store, had a 3$ beer and free pizza (I won't say where, because it's a little known secret and I'm not about to have it overrun by the likes of YOU...I will say it's between 1st and 2nd avenues...) and then yesterday Floating Head and I had brunch and went SHOPPING! Target, cute shoes, lots of good stuff was purchased. Then - a complete pass out. I went to bed super early, I was just too tired by all the running around. And that's about it, I have nothing else to say...except that I would love to go visit Snow White and be cool and watch War Games with her...but I can't right now...maybe in Sept. if I don't go anywhere else? I need a little break soon though! I don't think I can hold out until Xmas for a vacation...
Okay, back to the HEAT. Anyone out there feel bad for me? Good!
"there is no use trying," said Alice; one can’t believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven’t had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Oy! My Liver...
Well, I got officially, totally, and completely DRUNK. The intention is always to have two margaritas, because after that point, I get REALLY DRUNK. And I had two. And then somehow, they kept reappearing even though I didn't order them. The total at the end of the night was five, although I barely touched the last one because I knew I was close to the edge of drunk and sick already. And I was sick feeling enough that I took a cab home and I never do that unless it's super late. But I just wanted to be at home asleep already. But when I woke up this morning, I felt fine - a little groggy, but thats about all - no hangover??!!
So: I'll drink some coffee now, drink a ton of water, maybe contact the smoothie guy downstairs for his hangover cure (some fruit pureed with ginger?), and try to get some work done!
So: I'll drink some coffee now, drink a ton of water, maybe contact the smoothie guy downstairs for his hangover cure (some fruit pureed with ginger?), and try to get some work done!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
OMG! I just got the call...
the margarita emergency call that is! And I'm off! I've had a rough day, I think a few drinks are in order... this week has gone up and down, Monday - BAD. Tuesday - GOOD. Wednesday - QUITE NICE. Thursday - TERRIBLE, but it's shaping up due the meeting up at Panchito's. Lovely lovely lovely.
Yesterday was quite nice because we had one of those quarterly giant dept. meetings we usually hate, but this one was really amusing due to some nice comedy sketches by the Recruitment staff and an exploding can of Coke which sent me and the VP (Helmut not Skroob) running across the room in the middle of it - ha! I believe I nerd-like yelped an "oh my goodness!" much to my dismay. And then we had an "ice cream social" in the lobby of our building for all the companies which was a nice treat (no ETL alas, but a girl can dream....I guess Croatians don't go in for ice cream?)
This weekend? Nothing much, other than seeing the Lady in the Water on Saturday and the rest of the time I think I need to spend doing some things for myself, getting the self in order, a la Bridget Jones, that sort of thing.
Also, London has been put on hold. One of the members of the party had a bathroom issue and will have to pay A LOT to fix the plumbing so we agreed to pick a cheaper location instead...I have a few ideas, but we will have to get together soon to brainstorm!
Okay - TEQUILA! Adios Amoebas!
Yesterday was quite nice because we had one of those quarterly giant dept. meetings we usually hate, but this one was really amusing due to some nice comedy sketches by the Recruitment staff and an exploding can of Coke which sent me and the VP (Helmut not Skroob) running across the room in the middle of it - ha! I believe I nerd-like yelped an "oh my goodness!" much to my dismay. And then we had an "ice cream social" in the lobby of our building for all the companies which was a nice treat (no ETL alas, but a girl can dream....I guess Croatians don't go in for ice cream?)
This weekend? Nothing much, other than seeing the Lady in the Water on Saturday and the rest of the time I think I need to spend doing some things for myself, getting the self in order, a la Bridget Jones, that sort of thing.
Also, London has been put on hold. One of the members of the party had a bathroom issue and will have to pay A LOT to fix the plumbing so we agreed to pick a cheaper location instead...I have a few ideas, but we will have to get together soon to brainstorm!
Okay - TEQUILA! Adios Amoebas!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Bloody Hell Part Deux
A word of advice: when Floating Head tells you something or gives advice - LISTEN. I learned my lesson the hard way last night. To be nice, because thats just the kind of girl she is, she IM'ed me before leaving work last night to say "you should leave now because the trains are a mess" and I said yeah, sure I will. And then she said, prophetically - "especially if you plan on transferring at Lex and 51st."
WHY OH WHY DID I JUST BLOW OFF THAT ADVICE?? Well by the time I got down to the station, I had to let two 6 trains pass me by and then at 51st, I let about 4 E trains go because I cannot get on crowded, smelly, hot trains. I refuse. At least on the platform there is some air. Some. So it's getting closer to 7:30 and I still haven't moved, so I figure, the next train to come, I'll get on, no matter what and hope for the best. Well it was PACKED. And it wasn't until the door shut and the train began to move that I understand the depth of SMELL in the car. I felt like I had been shrunk and trapped inside a dirty homeless man's mouth after he just ate pile of shit and washed it down with some urine. NO JOKE. I felt like I was going to vomit. Ah, but then I remembered at the next stop, in Queens, I could get out of the E and walk outside across the street to take the 7 train - the lovely lovely 7 train, above ground, with air...it was downright breezy and pleasant! I was happy and less foul feeling...whew! As soon as I got home - after 8pm - I took a nice shower, put on some clean clothes and watched a show about Marilyn Monroe and then was off to a nice 8 hour sleep. Which helped my current workplace injury (I no longer suffer from the carpal tunnel issue, although I do occasionally have to wear my arm brace to bed) and I now seem to have a case of Computer Vision Syndrome - the past 3 days, my eyes have been burning and all red and itchy, but now - rested!
Today was a nice day. I solved a lot of problems and resolved some issues here at work and was rewarded by the Boss with a candy bar and a "good boy!" and got a gift of purply things from the Office Supply Fairy (FH) and had a nice phone conversation downstairs with Snow White (also in the hopes of an ETL spotting) who informed me that if we go up there for Xmas this year, Allie and I will be taking snowboarding lessons - sounds cool to Anniganiganny! And my little day trip to Atlantic City has been confirmed and now I'm off to buy one of those collapsible beach chairs - if only my mother lived nearby, she has a bunch...
WHY OH WHY DID I JUST BLOW OFF THAT ADVICE?? Well by the time I got down to the station, I had to let two 6 trains pass me by and then at 51st, I let about 4 E trains go because I cannot get on crowded, smelly, hot trains. I refuse. At least on the platform there is some air. Some. So it's getting closer to 7:30 and I still haven't moved, so I figure, the next train to come, I'll get on, no matter what and hope for the best. Well it was PACKED. And it wasn't until the door shut and the train began to move that I understand the depth of SMELL in the car. I felt like I had been shrunk and trapped inside a dirty homeless man's mouth after he just ate pile of shit and washed it down with some urine. NO JOKE. I felt like I was going to vomit. Ah, but then I remembered at the next stop, in Queens, I could get out of the E and walk outside across the street to take the 7 train - the lovely lovely 7 train, above ground, with air...it was downright breezy and pleasant! I was happy and less foul feeling...whew! As soon as I got home - after 8pm - I took a nice shower, put on some clean clothes and watched a show about Marilyn Monroe and then was off to a nice 8 hour sleep. Which helped my current workplace injury (I no longer suffer from the carpal tunnel issue, although I do occasionally have to wear my arm brace to bed) and I now seem to have a case of Computer Vision Syndrome - the past 3 days, my eyes have been burning and all red and itchy, but now - rested!
Today was a nice day. I solved a lot of problems and resolved some issues here at work and was rewarded by the Boss with a candy bar and a "good boy!" and got a gift of purply things from the Office Supply Fairy (FH) and had a nice phone conversation downstairs with Snow White (also in the hopes of an ETL spotting) who informed me that if we go up there for Xmas this year, Allie and I will be taking snowboarding lessons - sounds cool to Anniganiganny! And my little day trip to Atlantic City has been confirmed and now I'm off to buy one of those collapsible beach chairs - if only my mother lived nearby, she has a bunch...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I forgot to mention that I did get into the free screening of Borat after all, and let me just quote Cousin Megan on this: "that movie was WRONG in so many ways". And so it was. And I have never laughed so hard in a movie in forever. The nude wrestling scene between Borat and his manager that I heard so much about had me crying and in pain I was laughing so hard.
Check out: www.borat.tv for some funny stuff...
Bloody HELL!!
According to the Las Vegas People, I'm not supposed to complain, because when I spoke to Chuck and Joyce on Sunday night, 7pm their time, it was 123 degrees. IN THE SHADE.
Speaking of Chuck, Charlie, you should sing The Song to Mom this way:
"Take it easy, take it easy
Don’t let the sound of Charlie's voice make you crazy
Come on Joycie, don’t say maybe
You gotta know that your sweet hubby
Is gonna annoy ya, oh oh oh
So take it easy...."
Anyhoo, it's hot and on top of it, the a/c's keep going out in the offices here at work so I'm all grumpy and annoyed and even more on top of it, I didn't sleep much on Sunday night and again last night. I was exhausted when I got home last night around 8pm, so I had some gummy bears and Chinese almond cookies (thanks to Mama J for that!) and some strawberries, drank a ton of water, took a melatonin, read some of The Messianic Legacy, and was asleep by 11. However, I woke up at 4:30, wide awake but weary. And my stomach is still in recovery from my bout with the virus last week, so I couldn't drink coffee to wake myself up and at least enjoy being up so early. Which I did. I really have to try to start getting up at 6 or so...much more peaceful to do that and go to bed at 10 I think. Also, I couldn't get that song "All I Need" by Jack Wagner out of my head - WHY???? Jesus. Anyway...the short version of my story is:
I'm hot.
I'm tired.
I'm in a bad mood.
And I'm still working out a justification for the possible London trip...I have until next week to get that together. I think I found a good excuse to go last night...lets see if I follow through! Also, possible Atlantic City trip this weekend...a ha! All sorts of mini-adventures abound...
Now: should I get a smoothie from the awesome smoothie cart downstairs? Would that make me happy? I sure am grumpy, let me tell you...
According to the Las Vegas People, I'm not supposed to complain, because when I spoke to Chuck and Joyce on Sunday night, 7pm their time, it was 123 degrees. IN THE SHADE.
Speaking of Chuck, Charlie, you should sing The Song to Mom this way:
"Take it easy, take it easy
Don’t let the sound of Charlie's voice make you crazy
Come on Joycie, don’t say maybe
You gotta know that your sweet hubby
Is gonna annoy ya, oh oh oh
So take it easy...."
Anyhoo, it's hot and on top of it, the a/c's keep going out in the offices here at work so I'm all grumpy and annoyed and even more on top of it, I didn't sleep much on Sunday night and again last night. I was exhausted when I got home last night around 8pm, so I had some gummy bears and Chinese almond cookies (thanks to Mama J for that!) and some strawberries, drank a ton of water, took a melatonin, read some of The Messianic Legacy, and was asleep by 11. However, I woke up at 4:30, wide awake but weary. And my stomach is still in recovery from my bout with the virus last week, so I couldn't drink coffee to wake myself up and at least enjoy being up so early. Which I did. I really have to try to start getting up at 6 or so...much more peaceful to do that and go to bed at 10 I think. Also, I couldn't get that song "All I Need" by Jack Wagner out of my head - WHY???? Jesus. Anyway...the short version of my story is:
I'm hot.
I'm tired.
I'm in a bad mood.
And I'm still working out a justification for the possible London trip...I have until next week to get that together. I think I found a good excuse to go last night...lets see if I follow through! Also, possible Atlantic City trip this weekend...a ha! All sorts of mini-adventures abound...
Now: should I get a smoothie from the awesome smoothie cart downstairs? Would that make me happy? I sure am grumpy, let me tell you...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My fellow Barnard Smartie!
HA! I couldn't have said it better:
Madeleine Albright scored a rimshot as the keynote speaker at a WBNA lunch in the city yesterday. "I'm not a person who thinks the world would be entirely different if it was run by women," the former secretary of state said. "If you think that, you've forgotten what high school was like."
And on another note, I got a surprise phone call last night from Mervyn! She is coming to visit in October, right around my birthday!!!! - to see me, yes, but also...to see Massive Attack!! Superbeyondexciting news! And...hopefully..cross your fingers please...Elizabeth Fraser will be singing with them...please oh please oh please, I've never forgiven myself for not seeing her when the lovely Cocteau Twins were still together and then they had to go and breakup and the chance of seeing her live was lost forever...I'm excited about Massive Attack OF COURSE, but seeing her would be the only birthday present I want this year.

So this has been the week of movies - I think I saw a total of two last year and so far this week, I've seen three - the Da Vinci Code on Saturday because I got to the park before 8am and I still didn't get Shakespeare in the Park tickets so we just sat there for most of the day lounging on the grass and then we went to the theater for the movie (which I loved - don't listen to the critics, you have to understand that the same media that controls your news, also wants to control what you see, what you listen to, etc - but maybe this is a whole separate blog post...because what I did on Sunday was buy the Messianic Legacy, the sequel to Holy Blood Holy Grail and this awesome book about Mary Magdalene, by Margaret Starbird and all of it got me thinking...anyway) and then I also saw Superman Returns in 3D at the IMAX theater on Sunday - which I also liked but I think mainly due to the fact that Superman (along with Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday
) is one of the most perfect looking males I've ever seen. Simply. Amazing. Then, last night I saw Pirates of the Caribbean with Floating Head and VuDolicious which I also REALLY liked - I only saw parts of the first one but this was hysterical, mostly because of Johnny Depp - brilliant! So there you go, an abbreviated round up of my week so far - uneventful except for the many movies...but I have a bit of the flu today and still have one more movie to see - that being a free screening of Borat at the Director's Guild. When will I rest? Maybe on Saturday at the Sleepover at Floating Head's - there are promises of pizza, kir royales, hair braiding, pillow fights in our nighties...what more could anyone ask for? :-D
Madeleine Albright scored a rimshot as the keynote speaker at a WBNA lunch in the city yesterday. "I'm not a person who thinks the world would be entirely different if it was run by women," the former secretary of state said. "If you think that, you've forgotten what high school was like."
And on another note, I got a surprise phone call last night from Mervyn! She is coming to visit in October, right around my birthday!!!! - to see me, yes, but also...to see Massive Attack!! Superbeyondexciting news! And...hopefully..cross your fingers please...Elizabeth Fraser will be singing with them...please oh please oh please, I've never forgiven myself for not seeing her when the lovely Cocteau Twins were still together and then they had to go and breakup and the chance of seeing her live was lost forever...I'm excited about Massive Attack OF COURSE, but seeing her would be the only birthday present I want this year.

So this has been the week of movies - I think I saw a total of two last year and so far this week, I've seen three - the Da Vinci Code on Saturday because I got to the park before 8am and I still didn't get Shakespeare in the Park tickets so we just sat there for most of the day lounging on the grass and then we went to the theater for the movie (which I loved - don't listen to the critics, you have to understand that the same media that controls your news, also wants to control what you see, what you listen to, etc - but maybe this is a whole separate blog post...because what I did on Sunday was buy the Messianic Legacy, the sequel to Holy Blood Holy Grail and this awesome book about Mary Magdalene, by Margaret Starbird and all of it got me thinking...anyway) and then I also saw Superman Returns in 3D at the IMAX theater on Sunday - which I also liked but I think mainly due to the fact that Superman (along with Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday

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